Let me just express my frustration....

Aug 06, 2009 22:36

AAAAARGHHH! God dammit I hate LJ! First, it spent at least an hour down. Then, it eats an RP entry I had just posted. Jeepers Creepers, man! Why the hell am I paying you guys?! So you can be useless?! And I've had that sudden entry deletion happen to me way too many times! It wasn't just today! Even if it says it saves drafts when we're writing entries, so far that has been no help >_< Gosh this is just so frustrating!

And I've been getting no email notifications either! Or better yet, I've been getting them with like FIVE hours of delay DDDD8 Useless pricks >_> Money grubbers >_> *rants*

Oh and I created a new account for Ukitake cuz ravens_rising wants to RP (yay~) but I haven't got the validation email either. Figure =_=

no email notifications, go die in a fire plz, lj down, die!, damn lj

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