
Mar 19, 2017 21:37

I made this list mainly for me to keep track of the RP journals I have. Here you'll be able to check the list of former muses I have played and others that I still play.

Profile code from outlands

Active Muses

"Oh boy, you getting all tingly inside?"
Yuri is one of my favourite characters to play. He's not just snarky and dorky sometimes, there is so much more about him than that. Too bad that every time I played him it was short lived.

Yuri Volte Hyuga >> Shadow Hearts

"Why do you fight? Is there a meaning to it?"
Although I hardly ever use her, Julia is a very soothing muse. She helps me relax and look at things objectively.

Suzanna Julia von Wincott >> Kyou Kara Maou

"Tch, Bless it all. How did I get myself involved in all this?"
Crowley is another tricky one. In fact, he's probably the hardest muse I have and I have yet to gain confidence in pulling him out, hence why I never play him anywhere other than DM. Snarky and witty, my favourite demon does care about things his own way. Since I created Rauel, the two of them are like two kids snapping at each other.

A.J. Crowley >> Good Omens

"I am you and you are me. We're one and the same when it's all said and done, much as that scares us both."
Rauel is my first OC ever. He started as a casual character in my Crowley roleplaying and somehow gained life of his own. Less witty and snarky than his counterpart, this angel is still different than your conventional celestial being.

Rauel >> Good Omens (Original Character)

"Is anyone out there? I'm scared..."
I have this fondness for Chitose. I don't know if it's just because she's a ghost or a scared little kid, I can relate to her at times. She represents the inner unsure child we all have at times.

Chitose Tachibana >> Fatal Frame II

"You're better off talking to a wall."
Squall is definitely a tough one but, in the end, he's very easy to understand: he likes his space and solitude but that doesn't man he can't love anyone. I enjoy riling him up because I find him so similar to myself.

Squall Leonhart >> Final Fantasy VIII // Dissidia

"This is gonna be a blast!"
Another cheerful dork in the party, decided to try him after playing Duodecim

Laguna Loire >> Final Fantasy VIII // Dissidia 012

"Forgive me..."
One more soul to the call! My most recent acquisition, the faithful dragoon easily branded as traitor.

Kain Highwind >> Final Fantasy IV// Dissidia 012

"We're friends, right?"
Zack is just the life and party of my muse collection. Every time I play as him I end up feeling chipper as well. What better way to cheer up that doesn't involve alcohol? =D

Zack Fair >> Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core

"As a judge and as a brother...I have failed."
My interest in Gabranth piked up while playing Dissidia which prompted me to play FFXII. It seems I take a liking to dramatic characters alright. And what better way to train Early Modern English?

Gabranth >> Final Fantasy XII // Dissidia

Inactive Muses

"This world is good for dead. People have forsaken each other"
Blue is a very strong willed independent wolf female. A part of me wishes to have the same confidence she exhudes.

Blue >> Wolf's Rain

"If it is between my fate and his life...I'll do it"
Sakura is my persistent AU muse. I created her on a 'what if' basis and she stuck around it seems. Not surprising for the ghost of a strong willed princess.

Sakura >> Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle

"We'll avenge you no matter what!"
Your typical prototype of a hero. Created his account because I might get the tiny chance of playing with a Lavitz again

Dart Feld >> Legend of Dragoon

"This one enjoys the lake in the moonlight"
Cheza is very peculiar and hard to play. I keep her journal out of love for her icons and username.

Cheza >> Wolf's Rain

"Stuck between two worlds...humans and deimos."
Darc is insociable and doesn't trust easily but that's what makes it interesting to witness his reactions to different situations.

Darc >> Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits

"I'll find a way. Meanwhile, you just keep trying."
Jeanne is a rather wise little ghost of a girl wrongly killed. She remains optimistic through dire situations and is an inspiration to look beyond any bad events.

Jeanne >> Shadow Hearts Covenant

"Will I ever be strong enough to find redemption?"
Reki is another deep character with serious angst issues. Her introspective nature is one characteristic we share.

Reki >> Haiban Renmei

"You just have to make best with what you have"
One of the most lay-about and comic relief of my bunch, despite his dark nature I just can't seem to be able to take Frau so seriously.

Frau >> 07 Ghost

"Everything will be alright"
An AU account for an older Sakura, her spirit remains that of the ten year old little girl we all love

Sakura Kinomoto >> Card Captor Sakura

"Yare yare what have you done this time?"
Ukitake's account is mainly for my RPing with pony_rocks ♥ I like to think of Ukitake as the most patient man in existence! (he probably is...)

Jyuushiro Ukitake >> Bleach

"I'm not so young anymore!"
The adorable puppy of my musebox, Toboe has a stubborn streak to him not far from my own

Toboe >> Wolf's Rain

Old Journals

"I'm surrounded by perverts!"
Kazahaya was one of my very first muses and he holds his place in my heart, together with the threads with minako134's Ginko 8D

Kazahaya Kudou >> Legal Drug

"If only we could stop running..."
My longest lived muse ever. Is it because he is a vampire in this version? Who knows. I truly enjoyed playing Subaru for so many years with namikala

Subaru >> Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle


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