Meme - Gacked from
linden_jay Disclaimer: The opinions stated are exactly that, opinions. They are not facts, they are not a direct attack on your personal tastes, got that? Thank you.
Oh, and if you do like these things you suck.
Movie the rest of the world loves and you do not
What is so fantastic about it? Really? Stupid green guy who speaks backwards, hairy guy who makes weird noises, awful awful acting... and this is the best set of films in the world ever? Yeah right.
TV Show
Now I know i'm probably going to get lambasted for this but its just not very good. Same tired episodes stretching out for the past 56 years, or so it feels like. As it went on it just got worse and worse until I got to the point that I went running for the hills when people insisted on watching it. Thank god its finally over, there will be no more. Ever. Now all I have to do is avoid the re-runs *sigh* It's never gonna go away is it?
*Rubs hands in glee* Where do I start? Athlete [awful singing voice, produces the same effect upon me as dragging nails down a blackboard], Keane [nice voice, I admit that, but could your songs be anymore bland?], Coldplay [I liked Shiver. All the other songs - baaaad. Each album is a reworking of the one previous. Yuck], Razorlight [pompous fuckhead for a lead singer. Insists on taking his shirt off at any given opportunity and is ugly to boot. Awful music] .... anyone bland and boring. Country Music [Yee Haw!] Pink Floyd [Just Bleurghh]. Nu Metal. Rap and RnB.
Kanye West.
What is the deal? Seriously? I think I'm the only person who can see him as the big fat nothing that he is. He talks over the top of everyone elses songs. And he doesn't even talk well. Overhyped and overrated - just not very good sorry.
I don't think I need to say anything else.
Catcher in the Rye.
I read this at 15. I read it at 20. Hated it both times.
I most certainly was not like Holden at his age, I refuse to believe ANYONE was like him - for a figure who is supposed to be the epitome of adolescence he is completely unrealistic.
Catch 22.
I got to page six and no further. It was awful, I can't remember anything about it but I can remember that I hated it.
Sex Symbol
Justin Timberlake.
He is squeaky and creepy looking. Just something about him that screams 'sleazy creep' - the way he laughs and smiles *shudders*. He's a little boy who's trying to be a big man and since when has that ever been sexy?
Tom Cruise.
*Breathes* Glad I got that out of my system. In my humble opinion Tom Cruise is a short little man who should just shut the fuck up and get out of the public arena. I do have issues with religion so I am bound to be biased, however, people who preach to others and try to convert are the worst kind of individuals. Who is he to say that anti-depressants are evil and unnecessary? Who the fuck is he is to suggest that people should just 'pull themselves together' and are weak individuals for succumbing to the evils of prescription drugs?
Awful, vile being. Fuck him. Just fuck him.
And the man is so clearly gay. Admit it Tom, no-one would care. People might actually like you more for being honest, cos there is NO WAY that Katie Holmes and him will get married. No way.
Julia Roberts.
A] She looks like a horse.
B] She is a mediocre actress at best.
Highest paid woman in Hollywood - why? Has anyone actually bothered to watch any of her films? She was awful in Closer - and for the majority of her performances she just looks like she doesn't give a shit. Erin Brockovich was good - everything else can just be deported to acting hell mmkay?
I've thought about this and I can't really think of one whom I would say I 'hate'. I wanted to put Steven Spielburg but he directed Jurassic Park and Schindler's List so I can't. So this will just not have to be answered.
The most boring game in the history of all boring games. A game for public school boys and old people. Boring to play, boring to watch.
Football or Soccer *screws face up at that word*
I'm English, and in this country football is an issue of national pride, maybe that's why I hate it so much. What do they do? They kick a ball about for ninety minutes every few days, does this really warrant a £60,000 a week pay packet? Methinks not.
The players become celebrities: when someone misses a penalty grown men cry. What? Save your tears for something infinitely more worthwhile: like your first listen to the new Jessica Simpson record (she should burn in hell for her cover of 'These boots were made for walking,' BURN IN HELL.)
I can understand why people enjoy football but I just don't get the appeal. It's not for me.
Fashion icon
Sienna Miller.
Contrary to popular belief, Sienna Miller did not invent Boho. In fact, what is so funny is that she's completely stolen Kate Moss' style without anyone noticing. There's nothing original there, nothing exciting. She looks good, I agree, but stop hailing her as some kind of fashion queen when shes recycling what other people have done way before.