My car's been hit. Another car drove right into my back.
God, I had a fright.
Luckily it's all right. The other driver and I inspected our poor cars and could find no damage. Only his (the other was driven by a man, somewhat in his forties) licence plate got deformed a little bit.
It's real luck we got away ok with no endless wait for police. (You know, our militia is now officially called police! So many bitter-acid jokes as to the German polizei and WWII and occupation) So much for being distracted by other stupid drivers when approaching a traffic light. The speed was low so it was just a "phut!" and here we are.
The cats at my teacher's were sneezing, poor things! They were so happy the spring had come and there was fresh warm air, but who can expect the weather to be fine in spring)
And the weather is more like it's February and winter and no spring. It's minus 5 Celsius (it turns out centigrade is just the same, hurray!) and windy as hell. And it snows. And the roads are covered with ice.
Though I caught a glimpse of velvety dark dark blue sky one evening. With a tinge of greenish about the horizon (that is just above the houses tops), barely discernible to my tired and untrained eyes. That is already more of a summer colour, as it's closer to jet black and practically empty in winter.
Now, the second cut hides the pics. Of jewelry. I like jewelry. Not so much wearing it as just hoarding it and fingering through it))
So, the first pic is the thing I think of giving my Mom as a birthday present. Seems nice.
Besides I fancy numbers 2 and 3 (for myself that is, lol).
Number 4 is currently the love of my life. It's white gold, diamonds and my favourite sapphires (well, all of the pieces in the pictures are white gold and diamonds (tiny though they are) and either sapphires or black diamonds or pearls)
And the fifth one shows the earrings my Mom has got already, along with a pendant of the same set.
They all seem so pretty in the picture. But, God, how much that all costs!!! Pretty much, I should say, compared to my salary.
Мне въехали в задницу.
Мужик клювом щелкнул в сторону и дотормозил на светофоре, что называется, "до характерного звука".
Все целы. Я рада, не сказать как.
У меня стерто немного грязи, а у мужика чуть-чуть помят номер.
Но как он меня напугал...
Кошки чихали. Одна начхала с высоты своего лежбища на все, что я там играла. А другая просто не впечатлилась вдруг почему-то чехлом от гитары.
Искали маме подарок.
Оч. нравится пара вещичек с брюллесапфирами...
Прячу картинки (ес кому очень хочется слюну попускать , на обручальные кольца можно внимания не обращать, там и без них красиво, главное, не смотреть на цены):
1. Это бы маме.
2. Это я себе бы такое хотела бы (даже оба):
Серьги к этому не так интересны, а к первому--вообще гвоздики, а это совсем не моя тема.
4. И мне очень-очень-очень нравится вот эта подвеска:
5. А такие сережки и подвеску к ним мама себе уже купила: