Sep 08, 2006 21:08
Ok, I just got in from the thunderstorm that is going on. It was one of the nicest things I have feel in a long time. As I opened the to to go out side I felt as if the world was divide right there; inside was the norm everyday with the burdens still there. Then there was the outside world where it rained, but it was not tears of sadness. The tears were that of mercy and sorrow for everybody. And as I stepped out in to this world and closed the door to my current past I tear hit me. And I walked out in to the rain with each tear attacking with out regard. As I walk in rain I just stopped with my pointed towards the earth and all the chains of burdens that keep everybody attached to her own hurt. I pointed my head up to the sky with my eyes closed and as the kisses of heaven and hit my essence I felt as if it was washing away the sins of my past. With every hit that fell upon my body it lifted the burdens that I have been carrying farther then my memory can remember. For mere moments I as the thunder and lightning casted their power upon the world the scars that my body remembered they faded away and I felt clean.