Jul 07, 2006 00:04
Wow. Okay, so I wrote a letter to one of my Ed course professors asking for an academic reference. Yes, I am starting to seriously look at going to graduate school. Very seriously. I am asking my boss to write me a formal letter of reference geared towards school, as well. If you want more details, you'll have to ask for now.
And since I apparently didn't mention it here. Yes, I have a job for next year. I was offered a job in the Valley back at the end of May/beginning of June. Le happiness. I will be paid more than I was paid this year, which is le heart. And I can wear flipflops to work, which is yummy. I'll either be teaching 10th grade English or 12th grade... and if I teach 12th, I'll get to teach AP Lit!! How rockin' cool is that? 10th would be easier, since most of my curriculum is already drawn up; but AP Lit would totally bust my socks with happiness. I do not like the drive to the Valley part. But it's against traffic, so I'm going to grow to be okay with it. Also, I will have to teach an elective, and it sounds like I'll have some free reign. I'm thinking of something about Stereotypes in Film.
I got absolutely nothing done today. I walked out to my car sometime after noon, and there it was, my back tire. Flat. All the way flat. Not a trickle of air. So I called AAA and they came to put air in it. Then the guy told me that since he didn't see a nail, it must be fine, and not to worry about it. Um, no? I took it to Sears, which is down the street sorta, and they fixed the leak. Though instead of their quoted "hour", it took nearly three hours. So I went shopping on the promenade for books. And I spent money. But on books, so I can sorta justify that. I got some SciFi - Hyperion; some Fantasy - A Game of Thrones; some Stephen King - Book 5 in the Dark Tower series (yeah, I put that one off awhile); and some real reading - The World is Flat.
Super excited for the weekend. Dinner tomorrow down by Disney with a bunch of GSers -- Kristin and Jake are visiting, so we're coming out to eat together. And I get to meet Chris/Marclar, which will rock. And then I'm heading to SF. Dimsum & Pirates on Sat, then the NIN concert, and wine tasting trip on Sunday.
Fourth of July was good. We went to the Irvine Meadows thinger, per usual, and listened to the Orange County Symphony Orchestra play good tunes, and some opera dudes ("The American Tenors") sang, and the fireworks were fab.
Oh yes, and The Devil Wears Prada... the movie is definitely different from the book. And Superman -- was better than I expected, though the plotline involving Lex was pretty crappy and dull.