Okay, so...

Feb 26, 2006 13:34

Yeah, per usual, I have neglected posting in some time. This is life when one is busy.

First of all, to all of the people who I have not yet called back -- THANK YOU for all of the birthday calls and presents. You guys made my day (and week, for that matter). Also, thank you to all of the folks who took me out and about for my bday.

My job, since people have been asking. Basically, LAUSD moved us into a school site in Westchester (yes, we have gone from Santa Monica to Culver City to, now, Westchester) and has not revoked the charter. What they have done, however, is moved up the charter's renewal date to this year -- 2 years early. I highly doubt they will vote on renewing it, so in effect they have terminated the charter as of the end of this year. When we moved locations, a great many of my students left to other schools -- I can't even begin to describe how heartbreaking this is for the teachers. Our first day at the new location was a disaster, thanks to total and complete mismanagement. But I still had a job. Whew.

As of this past week, we were told we would all be getting 15% paycuts. Okay, unacceptable to many of us. I've said that I either need to keep my full pay (and am willing to teach more classes to do so,) can take the paycut if they move my classes all to the morning so I can pick up a part time job in the afternoons, or just lay me off so I can find a full time job that pays me what I want. I was very, very stressed about this for about a week. I'm now kinda blase -- but I want to know what's going to happen.

I've already started applying for jobs for next year. The hard part about this is that I've already job-hopped from last year to this year. It's no-so-good to job-hop in teaching a second year in a row. However, I do also plan to go back to school the year after, so ultimately it doesn't make a huge difference. But I'd like a job next year that isn't so unbelievably out there. Please cross your fingers for me.

Beyond the job... I've been running around a little. Saw my dentist (best dentist EVAR), had my bday, went up to Monterey for a weekend, went to Vegas for a week, been doing GS stuff, etc.

My brother and Mary had their second baby, Heather, on my birthday, so I have a niece now!!! (will post pics next) Kyle is such a darling still, but he's kinda jealous of the baby. I was over there a few weekends ago, and you can tell -- he's a little more pouty and stuff. Of course, he's still willing to bodyslam me and laugh tons. He is such a cutie. I hope Heather ends up the same.

Rachel and Ed broke up. I think. She hangs on to relationships way too long. I think it's hard for her to have someone that she cares for so much but who is just such an idiot about how to treat people, especially how to treat them when he's having a stressful day. Ya'll know I wasn't ever a huge Ed fan -- it's one of those things that goes to show that second impressions DO make a difference. You know, though (going back to the beginning), way too many of the people I know hang on to things way too long. I'm not sure what that means. If anything.

We've been watching "The Corporation" in class, and like the first time I watched it -- it makes me want to just give up living in technology and all that good stuff, go to the mountains, and be one with nature. Of course, I'm not sure I could manage it. That's the problem -- we live in a society where we cannot do without the basic goods and necessities that weren't even available to people 200 years ago. We're in a sad state. We're destroying ourselves. And yet, we can't help it -- we can't help ourselves out of our own circumstance because we love it too much. Yuck-ola.

This weekend I drove home for Joseph's bday (he's 17 now, jeez), and we had cake and yummy stuff. Finished season 1 of Lost for my mom. And today I slept in... it was glorious. And instead of doing anything overly productive, I've been sitting and browsing job listings and Craiglist for kicks. Don't you just love some weekends?

So... anyway. If I can manage to, I'll update more. Somehow.
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