(no subject)

Dec 14, 2009 18:40


Word, Dockers. I actually agree with them completely. I can't stand when men don't hold open the door for me. I mean when women don't, it's rude, but it's expected. Women are always in diva mode when shopping around. But MEN have an obligation to be gentlemen. Where did that precious obligation go? Why do men hate manliness now? Manliness is so beautiful. I'm not talking chest-beating, beer-chugging testosterone overload fratboy "manliness". I mean the tough, brave, protective...yet humble, loving, and tender manliness. It doesn't have to be cheesy like people paint it. In fact it isn't. It's enthralling. I like men who take the lead, and sacrifice themselves for women. Obviously I think women should be strong too, but we don't need to feel bad that we're weaker than men, or try to compete with (or castrate) them because of it. They're our protectors! At least...they should be. I really wish it were still societally frowned upon to not put women (and children) first. Individualism has killed chivalry. I hardly ever see men hold the door open, or do anything gentlemanly for women. We need good, strong, fearless, selfless manhood back! FORSAKE the lattes and skinny jeans, lads! Go grab an AXE and chop some TREES or something. GRRRRRRRrrr!!!!!!!!

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