Jan 22, 2006 16:37
Hello you...its been a while hasnt it? yes it has. I dont quite know how long, but hell....its not important. If it is important to you, check it out for urself. I have been getting yelled at by 1 or 2 ppl that i never do this anymore, so here ya go...now u can leave me alone abut it hehehe...im jk that came out kinda bitchy lol. So i go back to school on wednesday. "wow thats really late!" you say? i know man...i agree. and im not thrilleda bout it. Ive been ready to go back for weeks now. Basically as soon as i found out that i hadnt failed out of school i was ready to go. thats right everyone i didnt fail out! i got a 2.27...and whatever i dotn care what u think bc im proud of it. at least im still there. lol...so what have i been up to? not a whole hell of a lot...well i have been up to a lot...good stuff too, i just dont knwo eher to begin so theres some things i wont get into. ask me if ur curious.
mmmmm New Years was a fun day. I got all dressed up and went to Johannas. we partied and all that fun stuff. I had a good time. and nothing went down! it was great. that was probably the best night we have ever had drinking as a group bc no one was fighting about anything and we were all happy and we all had a good time. and i was glad too bc i was worried about a few things..well onlyg 4 a while till i decided that i didnt wanna hear about it for the night. ya know sometimes i think that my refusal to listen to it, kinda helps the problem. bc if someone is pissed off and has no one to bitch about it to, they wont bitch at all, and they will get over it, bc its not worth ruining their day over. or at least thats what im telling myself. bc then i dont feel bad about not wanting to be a therapist. Im thinking of writing a book btw...its called memoirs of an unlisenced therapist...and everyone and everything that they tell me is gonna be in it...shut up u know ull read it. :-D Someone told me the other day that maybe i should just change my major to psych so that i can be a therapist and get paid so that way i can start charging my friends for this stuff. I thought hey thats not a bad idea till i realized how bad i am at psych classes. so im gonna stick w/ what ive got thanks.
i went to auburn a couple weeks ago. I stayed w/ shannon and jen, jess, and alaina came. it was a lot of fun. it showed me just how much i want to go back to school. I was there, there was no fighting, teher was no drama. it was fun. It seems that whenever im home, no matter who im w/ someone is bitching about something. sometimes its me, not gonna lie its prolly me a lot. but w/ me its different stuff. its not the same old shit day after day month after month semester after semester...thats right...i know that sounds a tad outrageous and exaggerrated, but i kid u not. ok enuf about that
ok thats all 4 now