Dec 04, 2005 20:23
So i havent updated this bitch in a while so here it goes.
I had to work yesterday from 1030 to 7 but i did get off a half hour early which was pretty sweet. Oh yes im working at red apple again but not too much. Just thursdays and every other sunday, and plus some random fill ins like yesterday.
friday we had a pretty sweet monopoly match. Im might have lost terribly... shhh... But i do like game nights and i hadnt hung out with wes or saby for a long time so that was quite enjoyable.
Today i went over to seattle because i needed a new snowboard jacket. Must say it was a good trip. I got an awesome GREEN jacket. ohh i love green :) Plus its always good times cruzing seattle with my hunny. he puts up with my wanting to stop in every store. how nice :) Then did some lab work... but i guess its not due till wednesday!!! WAHOO! i might have known that had i gone to class on friday but it was a two hour delay so i decided against it. I went to played with my horse instead. He was hella pissed at me. but yeah it happens.
I want to chizill with some peeps on some day this coming weekend or something... :-D