I love being a father!
Of course, this means I don't post much anymore, so sorry about the lack of updates for the last two months. Time becomes a much more precious commodity.
For most of Amanda's and my waking hours, at least one of us has to be attending Michael at all times, so as a whole we get a little less than half done of what we used to. But that's OK -- it sort of lends some perspective. When you have to cut big chunks out of your life, you begin to realize which chunks are important to you and which aren't. Parenthood clarifies your priorities.
It's really strengthened our relationship, too. We spend a lot more time together, and not just taking care of Michael. We have a few more squabbles, but they generally end very quickly, which is another part of that aforementioned clarity. Most of the things that upset you during the day really aren't very important, so you let things go a lot quicker because you're a parent now and have way more important things to worry about.
Things like positioning your child in his crib because he's getting to the point where he can almost roll over. Getting him on a feeding schedule so he'll be manageable in day care starting in five weeks, and also so you can get sleep consistently. Learning to distinguish between different cries because he can't tell you in words yet what he wants or needs. Straightening up the house room by room because we're thinking of selling it and moving to a larger one in the near future -- that's our major project right now.
And most importantly, taking care of the baby when your partner inevitably needs to get work done or just get away for a little while. Parenting is stressful, but if you take it on as a team, never forgetting the needs of your partner, you can both deal with it a lot better.
Michael turned 10 weeks old yesterday, and already he's been providing us with quite an education. He's our little lens -- we see more clearly through him.