Hi, thanks for writing for me! I hope this letter will be useful. I'm more into selfcest than "real" incest, but all my requests are ships I would be thrilled to get.
Likes: Humour, banter, friendly rivalries, time travel, universe travel, exploring similarities and differences between universes/incarnations, characters learning from each other, characters being weirded out by the situation but going along with it anyway
Dislikes: Non con, abuse, death, character bashing and/or woobification, excessive angst, rimming. I'd prefer R/M or below rating, but that's not a total dealbreaker.
Doctor Who (Nine/Ten/Rose, Ten/Duplicate Ten/Rose)
I don't usually like threesomes, but apparently my one exception is when two of the three are the same person. I imagine Rose would be the instigator for both these threesomes, but I like to think the Doctors would get on board pretty quickly once she suggested it. And any kind of time travel/universe travel shenanigans would be a bonus, if that's something you're interested in.
Star Trek AOS (Kirk/Kirk Prime)
Let's face it, Kirk is totally the kind of person who would try to seduce himself. I'd love to see Kirk Prime acting as a mentor to his younger counterpart, both in and out of the bedroom. References to Kirk Prime/Spock Prime and/or Spock-related advice would be awesome, but that's completely optional.
I'd prefer to pretend STID didn't happen, so if it's possible to avoid referencing those events, I'd be very grateful.
Star Trek TOS (Kirk/Spock/Mirror Spock)
Ideally I'd prefer something consensual, but dubcon on Mirror Spock's part is fine too. I can imagine him hitting on Spock in an attempt to unsettle him. I could also see Spock and Mirror Spock competing over Kirk, and maybe even taking that competition into the bedroom. I'd love if it eventually led to Kirk and Spock convincing Mirror Spock to take a chance on his own Kirk, but that's just an optional bonus.
Thanks again!