
Jan 09, 2015 19:32

Fandom: Star Trek TOS
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Kirk and Spock discuss their favourite sexual positions.
Words: ~550
Notes: Written for WildAndFreeHearts for fandom_stocking.

Spock lies on his back, hands clutching at the bedcovers as Kirk fellates him. He glances down his body and sees Kirk looking back at him, his eyes almost twinkling as he meets Spock's gaze.

Spock lets his head drop, breath coming in pants as he gives himself up to the feeling. A few moments later Kirk's efforts bear fruit, and he grunts as orgasm sweeps through him, radiating from between his legs in pulses of pure pleasure.

He lies there trying to get his breath back as Kirk makes his way back up his body, pausing occasionally to press a kiss to the skin. By the time they are face to face again Spock has mostly recovered, and he curls into Kirk's embrace, nuzzling him gratefully.

"I love seeing you like that," Kirk murmurs, running his fingers through Spock's hair. "I think this is my favourite sexual position. Me, between your legs, watching as you come apart and knowing it's all because of the pleasure I'm giving you… it's incredible."

"Mmm," Spock agrees. "You are quite skilled."

Kirk smiles, then nudges Spock. "So," he says. "What's your favourite position?"

Spock hesitates. Even now he is unused to speaking so openly about sexual activity, but he knows Kirk likes to hear him say it, so he will make the attempt. "If I were forced to choose," he begins quietly, "I'd pick the times when I am lying on my back with you inside me. I find the experience… extremely pleasurable."

Kirk's eyebrows raise. "Is that so?" he asks, a slow smile spreading across his face.

Spock watches as Kirk pulls away and reaches for the drawer in their nightstand. "You are insatiable," he says with amusement.

Kirk locates the lubricant and returns, his smile turning wicked. "That's because you, my friend, are irresistible."

Spock pulls his legs up as Kirk slicks himself, and a few seconds later Kirk is pressing into him. Spock's own penis begins to stir again as Kirk thrusts in and out, the pleasure beginning to build.

Spock reaches up to stroke Kirk's face, running his fingers over the meld points. "There's… another reason I appreciate this position," he tells him between breaths.

"Oh?" Kirk asks, still pumping steadily.

Spock nods. "It makes it easier for me to do this." At the last word he presses his fingers to Kirk's face and joins their minds.

They don't often employ the meld during sex, the main reason being that the experience is so overwhelming that neither of them ever manage to last long once it has begun. Sure enough, it is only seconds before Kirk's orgasm rushes through them both, Spock's following almost instantly.

They lie there for a long moment, trying to get their breath back, before Kirk pulls out and moves to gather Spock in his arms. "You're right," he mumbles tiredly. "That is a good position."

Spock rests his head on Kirk's shoulder, feeling a faint smile tugging at his lips. "I'm glad you approve," he says.

Kirk makes a soft noise of contentment, his lips pressing against Spock's forehead. "Love you."

"And I you," Spock replies.

* * *

"So," Kirk asks, some time later, "what's your second favourite position?"

This time, instead of answering, Spock decides it would be more expedient to just show him.

kirk/spock, fanfic, fandom: star trek tos

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