May 13, 2005 21:44
yesturday i went to gymnastics
and im so sore it sucks so bad... i couldnt do any like handsprings or
walkovers so i only did tucks and those are getting good again so i
guess thats good but thats about it haha imma try some walkovers in my
room later but whatever i hope i dont kill my arm because im not
suppose to use that arm at all....
school was gay like always i got
a shit load of homework and i have a research paper i have to do and i
hate researching so im not gunna lie im kinda scared i might do bad on
it but o well....
CHELSEA im soo happy for u haha i hope u have a fun weekend you pimpette whoop whoop haha love ya!
well my weekend already started
off bad because im sitting home on a friday night its really annoyin i
wish ppl would call and let u know whats going on so you can make other
plans how faggish yes i made up that word but thats ok because i like
it but neways shellie sorry i missed out today i wish i couldve gone
but hopefully i can go to cali with u and we can ask ur dad
to pay for are apartment haha and schooling ha yea right i love u ....
well my mom and dad are going to
a party and my sisters are at there friends house and im a loser
sitting at home so im gunna go be a loser and finish watching the
pistons lose and then go to sleep because im bored leave the love