Sep 09, 2005 10:39
.... yea having one of these is pretty much pointless now because i deff. dont use it! but neways yea im sitting in Intro to marketing right now and i dont wanna play these stupid games nemore so i decided to update how exciting even though no body is gunna read this yea whats up. haha soo i hate school its pretty gay i hate math bc i suck in it YAY!! oo and a certain person is being really gay towards me i wanna beat 'em in the face because hes a BUTT WHOLE but cant change him he's still gunna be the same... yea soo cheerleading dance for homecoming is gunna be sweet because me and essance are making them make it GHETTo haha OO OO OO lol imm sucha loser CaItLiN even though things suck right now there gunna get better so dont worry about <3 mwahz and yea my life is pretty gay right now nothing exciting is here. I love Chelsea. H. the sophmore shes cute and funny and im not random shes in my class right now haha soo my party is in Nov and i feel bad bc im like becoming friends with other people and my limit is deff OVER soo i might have to take some people off which sucks but o well i cant wait pretty excited me and MICHELLE turn 16 this year yes how exciting!!! i need something to do this weekend so call me well im out bc its almost time to go Holla at cha gurl
<3 Denitra