Oct 17, 2005 20:21
boys are jerks
girls are sluts
a lesson well learned.. muahaha
english: okay... i handed in my essays yay. but then we had to read and i didnt anddd do flippin mug shots i hate mug shots. blah! english is alot of work. soo gay. but were gonna be done the book soon. yay!!
us history: worked in a group with kristin w, lindsay and luca, it was fun...they all rock
elec pub: gay, im not creative soo i suck at it unlike kristin and aaron who are amazing at computers : (
study hall: not bad, looked at my vogue magazine..good stuff right there. AND LISTENED TO THE KANYE WEST LATE REGISTRATION CD
wow its soo flipping good i love it!
alg2: gay gay gayy math is gayyyyy. i suck at it big time. argh. i wanna just kill my self everytime i walk thru that door to class.
LUNCH:: not to bad, got some good food
gym: it flipping rained, and julie and i had to play, and we sucked hahaha
A&P: SUB and shannon and chelsey and i fooled around in the back
after school i worked on the projecto for A&P. its coming together woo hoo
then i visited harry and shirley cause my dad said that harrys not feeling well
and i should visit more often so i was a good girl and did so. shirley made me
dinner, it was yummy. yay. and we chatted then i left. woo hoooooo!! lol :)
i came home did homework went to dnk n dgnts and then to the middle school fh game wich happened to be canceled so then i just went back home and ive been hanging out here ever since : ) and my mom made me super yummy lemon poppy seed cake its soo good. yay
laguna's on at 10 friggen right bitchessss <333
okay thats all for now... buhbye : )
LoveAlways&Forever, Sarah EEE