Happy Holidays and all that rot!

Dec 26, 2005 17:30

Wow, these last few days have been nuts! First off: Happy Christmas to you all! Second, Happy New Year! (One late, one early...it all balances). Starr's birthday (also on Christmas) sounded lame, but she was happy with all the stuff her friends got her...we win!

Sad news, AJ and Beraiah moved out. One day it was "Febuary" the very next day it was "by the first of the year" and when Sarah and I got home from Christmas dinner with my parents, there was a post-it with the keys and "Merry Christmas" written on it. It's sad and quiet without them at home. I know we all agreed that it was for the best (especially after the marriage...no one wants to live with a newly wed couple...heh), but I'll miss seeing them at home. Well, those are the breaks...I wish them the best! Cheers!

KHAN! and Sela were excited to be allowed in AJ and Beraiah's old room. It was off limits before they moved in (Warhammer storage) and then after they moved in (plants and KHAN! peeing on things), but now, it's their territory. I guess they couldn't be happier...heh...cats...

Game Stop was positively MURDEROUS-RAGE ENDUCING busy. We had so many people returning crap, buying new crap, being in the way, asking stupid questions ("So...this says 'X-Box Live required,' do we have to have X-Box Live to play?" "No, go ahead and buy it...enjoy!" Morons). It was fun!

Glow Golf is a nice change of pace. Slow, quiet...filled with HATE from playing Tokobot! Not really, but for a game that reminds me of Pikmen (in the best way possible), it's frustrating. I'm stuck on the first boss because it gave no clue as to how one would stop this stupid three cannon-ed thing. I smashed it, I tried spinning into it, heck, I even tried to get it to shoot all the cannons at once...NOTHING! I don't wanna look at GameFAQs...but I may have to....grrr. Seriously though, it's an awesome game and if you played Pikmen on the GameCube and liked it...go get it (providing you have a PSP....)

Only 2 more hours till close (heh, this entry took over an hour to type...Tokobot owns). Oh well...back to robots and such, and listening to Levi play Mario 64 DS. It's a-me! Mario!

MA out.
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