My thoughts on the recent Muslim outrage at the satirical Danish toons
here. I dunno, maybe I should be flamed? There is a difference between acknowledging some issues that exist and taking the piss out of them to a mad extent, but when it's satire rather than deliberate, clear hate-mongering from a party that's got a track record of hating everything different from them... well. It's not the same thing. Sure, of course satire has been used to uphold the shittiest, most stupid prejudices throughout history, but... I still find it hard to believe that the 'toons had that in mind. And that sort of crap is best dismantled through plain common sense, logic and awareness, rather than violence. Calling for the beheading of journalists and threatening with bombings is... shooting yourself in the foot when you're supposedly upset over being called a violent nutter. It's not exactly proving otherwise, is it?