Riddle Me This

Jan 03, 2008 09:10

On October 11, 2007, The Center for Constitutional Rights filed a lawsuit under the Alien Tort Claims Act on behalf of the families of the Iraqis who lost members when Blackwater guards shot dead 17 Iraqis and injured many more on September 16, 2007.

Blackwater will, of course, use their standard claim that they should have the same immunity from civilian litigation enjoyed by the US military. I don't think it is too much for me to presume that shrubjr and Mr. Halliburton-In-the-White-House are going to make this same argument.

The State Department offered each family $10,000 not to file suit. How generous of them.

Riddle me this: If we're over there "spreading democracy," isn't letting the families seek justice under our legal system the ultimate gesture of what our country is (supposedly) all about?

liberalrage, riddle me this, impeach the motherfucker already, gwb

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