In college, we had local channels plus HBO. No other cable, just HBO. So, when we weren't watching American Beauty or Gremlins for the 1,017th time after getting in from the bars, we watched infomercials. We also watched infomercials while we did our homework on Sunday mornings. I saw a lot of infomercials in 2001 and 2002.
My roommate Kaitlin and I were all excited by super-scientific graphics which illustrated concepts like the stress hormone cortisol or the vortex-power of the super-gasoline charger thing. If we were drunk, we'd call the infomercial people to discuss the scientific concepts presented (some hung up on us, others used their script well).
I think my fascination with both informercials and the coupon diaries/consumer rights makes this site a true winner for me. exposes customer complaints about infomercial products. It was interesting to read what is behind the "make a bazillion dollars in real estate" or Matthew Lesko's Free Money scam, as well as beauty products like hair-removal gel Nads (which I always thought looked pretty decent).
The site is already being sued. It's definitely one to watch, or to waste an afternoon exploring.