School started last Wednesday. It's going pretty well so far, simply because everything's pretty boring. The only thing I'm worried about is my chemistry class which I'll probably have some trouble in, but probably not enough to really cause any trouble.
Creative writing is fuckwin, though. Incredibly so. Our first assignment was a
Where I'm From poem which I COMPLETELY DESTROYED. We read them all aloud on Friday, which literally had me shaking out of nervousness, but yeah, it went really well, especially since the focus of the assignment seemed to be on using imagery, which I completely threw out the window. I made a really good first impression. ;v;
EVOLVE 5 was Saturday. The show was kind of mediocre compared to the others ones, just because everything was rushed since ROH was running their show like, an hour and a half away.
After Danielson's match with Sawa, he was pretty much running around the ring shaking hands and being friendly and shit. I was this close to running up to him and hugging him since that seemed to be the mood of the moment but I couldn't muster up the courage.
This close.
And then we went and watched Glory by Honor and laughed at the production values. It was a fun show. Roderick won. I'm sort of scared. Davey isn't leaving. I'm very happy.
I completely understand the reason behind throwing the belt on Roddy because at this point, it was the only thing they could do, but I find it very funny that I've spent a lot of time trying to convince people that ROH isn't full of skinny, uncharismatic white boys, and then they put the belt on an uncharismatic white boy. Without a doubt, Davey will be getting it at Final Battle, but I sort of wonder what will happen between now and then. Roddy has Truth Martini behind him and shit, so that'll "lessen the blow," so to say, but I'm curious only because I've never actually seen someone holding a world title who has a mouthpiece. I'm curious as to how the dynamics work and such.
I've been playing a lot of Kingdom Hearts lately. I beat the first one in like, thirteen hours over the course of about a week and just started the second one earlier today, which I'm about two hours into as of writing this. When I beat II, I plan to finally start playing 358/2 Days and then when I beat that, my brother should be done with Birth by Sleep and I'll start that.
Notice how I completely skipped over Chain of Memories.
Speaking of Birth by Sleep, this whole Kingdom Hearts binge just happened to fall around the time of the game coming out. Completely coincidental. I'm not even kidding, it just turned out that way because I was on TV Tropes reading Kingdom Hearts' Crowning Music of Awesome page and I was like "oh shit, I have to play these games now."
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Oh God, this shit. I have to bring this shit up. When I was like twelve (holy shit that was four years ago) this was pretty much my entire life. And looking back, none of it mattered. That's the entire theme of Kingdom Hearts II to me. Everything that led up to the game and the game itself was rectified before the end.
That's why I loved going through the very end of Kingdom Hearts when Ansem came into play because it's like oh my God I don't even know who I'm fighting because II fucked everything up.
II is still a good game, though. A bit tedious, a bit long-winded, a bit boring at times, but good. The music is incredible. It's probably one of my favourite video game scores ever, if not the favourite.
HAUNTED MAJORA'S MASK CARTRIDGES. Oh man, this shit is my favourite ever. I've never been so invested in a creepypasta before and it's great. I don't care much for the plot behind Ben and the old man and stuff, but the creepiness of the videos is what's got me interested. In the original text, the OP says something about never feeling so lonely in a video game and I read that and I was like "a'pffffffffft yeah right" and then in the Day Four video, when Link went into West Clock Town and the texture for the ground was gone, I totally understood. I don't know why, but that really struck me. That, and the part at the end when he loads up the YOURTURN file and it's just Link laying there lifeless. And each time he catches on fire. Also, "You shouldn't have done that..." has entered my vocabulary.
This is the first weekend of the school year and tomorrow's the first Monday. I can't remember if this happens every year, but I'm forgetting that I have to go back to school. And I only have one more summer vacation left before I graduate from high school. This shit is still tripping me out.