Bittersweet [5/?]

Mar 19, 2009 16:59

Title : Bittersweet
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Summary : Uchi Hiroki, a young man who has to survive living in Tokyo city and has to support three of his younger siblings, has never thought that at his current working place he’ll meet a little boy -who will lead him to a person that will turn his world upside down-
A/N : UCHI's time!
WARNING: new characters children ^^

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4]

Chapter Five

“Nii-chan bye bye..!!” waved Ryutaro that morning. Yuta followed behind. They’re leaving for school. Uchi waved back saying “Itterasshai…” This has always been the morning scene on that apartment room.

When Uchi turn his head, Kota already standing there.

“Nani?” asked Uchi.

“Oi, can I have some cash?” he said.

Uchi sighed. “What for, Kota? Is it about the drum stick again?”

“Something that is not your business...” answered Kota short.

“Whatever it is, can’t it wait until next month?” said Uchi softly. He just received his salary the other day and it’s already been used for paying the rent and saved for their daily needs.

“Next month again.. You said that two months ago...” he said harshly before went out of the room, slamming the door. Uchi just closed his eyes when the door made a loud sound.

--- ---

Gomen, Kota..

It’s still on my list.. I didn’t forget..

Matte, ne..

--- ---

“Ucchan!!” screamed Tegoshi happily. “Look.. Look.. I just got my mid-term report card.. Suggoi deshou?? I got all A!” Tegoshi was showing Uchi his report card when they’re tidying the beverages section.

“Wow, Tegoshi… You’re clever, ne?” smiled uchi. “But becareful.. Don’t le Sakurai-san sees that, he’ll know you’re still a student..”

“Hai.. haii…” smiled Tegoshi. He puts the report card to his bag. After that he grabbed one bottle of strawberry milk, and drink it right away while sitting at the floor.

“Tegoshi.. You have to stop doing tha…”

“He’s here!!” screamed Tegoshi suddenly stood up.

Uchi turn his face slowly, there he saw Yamapi walking at their position. Just like these past few days.

--- ---


He’s been coming to the supermarket a lot these past few days. He said Chinen always wants something and he just drop by at this supermarket on the way home from work.
From work.. So I always saw him wearing a nice suit. I wonder what kind of job? He’s still very young.

He greets me everytime we saw each other, and he kept calling me ‘pikachu’..

I really want him to stop that, but actually, I don’t really mind.

We meet often, not only here at the supermarket.. In the afternoon, he’s always coming by at the Care Center to have lunch with Chinen-kun.. So, we talked there too.

He’s nice. He teased a lot. But he’s nice.

Nowadays, Chinen has gathered his courage to talk to other kids, so he has a lot of friends. He often leaves the two of us alone. I’m always afraid it will become awkward but… it wasn’t.

It’s really comfortable, actually. I like being near him.

But……… I barely talked to him whenever we meet at this supermarket.. Because..

--- ---

“Hi!!” greets Tegoshi.

“Hello, Tegoshi..” said Yamapi.

That is why..

Ever since Tegoshi saw him, he asked me to introduce him to Yamashita-san.

So I did.

“Strawberry milk? Makes me wants one too, ne..” smiled Yamapi.

“You should buy one.. Here, Yamapi..” said Tegoshi as he grabbed another bottle and gave it to the man standing in front of him.

Yamapi? He calls him Yamapi?

Tegoshi already knew his nickname?

“Thank you for giving a ride home yesterday..” said Tegoshi.

“No, problem.. But, I did notice there’s a car always tailing behind us, ne..”

“Oh.. That’s just Ryo.. Don’t mind him..” grinned Tegoshi.

Yamapi laughed. “But you got a really big house..”

“Yup.. I’ll let you play sometimes..” said Tegoshi. Now his hands are clinging to Yamapi’s.
Uchi saw that at the corner of his eyes, but trying not to pay attention to it. Although, he wonders how they gotten so close in just a few days.

Tegoshi is a really easy going person..

It must be fun to talk with him..

They must have so much in common..

--- ---

The next day, it was Saturday so Uchi doesn’t have to work at the Care Center, he’s working full day at the supermarket. Uchi was at the cashier, he was supposed to have his partner there but it’s already 1 pm and Tegoshi haven’t show up.

Suddenly, there’s a grumpy looking man appeared in front of Uchi. Uchi’s eyes widen when he realized that he knew this person. He was the one covered with bloods before. This man is Tegoshi’s Ryo.

He’s just standing there staring at Uchi, he didn’t buy anything.

“M..May I help.. you?” Uchi said, hesitantly.

“Where is he?” asked Ryo sharply. He’s looking mad.


“Where’s Tegoshi?” he repeats. Uchi held his breath for a second. He knew his answer isn’t going to please this scary man.

“He’s not here.. He was supposed to be here.. I don’t know..”

Uchi saw that Ryo guy sighed. Like he was pissed off or something. Uchi was confused, but that man didn’t stay long. He was gone in a second.

Before Uchi could think of anything else, his cellphone rang. He picks it up and very surprised by the screaming voice from the caller.


“Tegoshi.. Tegoshi? Where are you?”

“Gome.. Gomen.. I can’t come to work now.. Was Ryo there? Did he come there?” Tegoshi’s voice sounded insecure and scared but mixed with giggles.

“Yes, he was just here.. And looking pretty mad.. He’s looking for you! Where are you now?” asked Uchi worriedly.

“Im…. Hiding from him.. Heeheheheheehehee…”


Tegoshi giggles even more.

“Why do you have to hide? Where are you now?”

“You know that i'm not allowed to use my money as much as i want before i turn 18 right? So.. I used my credit card that I stole from Ryo.. I bought a motorcycle!” answered Tegoshi.

“What? A motorcycle????” said Uchi surprised.

“Yea.. And it was for a friend of mine…” Tegoshi added.

“TEGOSHI?” Uchi was super shocked. He got no words to say.

“But don’t worry.. I’m at Kame-chan’s house.. He’s my boyfriend, just kidding! If I could I’ll stop by at the supermarket later, okay.. Well, gotta go now, scary Ryo won’t rest till he finds me.. See ya!” and just like that Tegoshi hang up the phone.

Uchi just hoped that everything is alright. He also still can’t get over how there are people that can spend cash so easily.. buying a motorcycle for a friend? Wow..

And now Tegoshi is running away from Ryo? His driver…

Is he really a driver? I don’t think so.. But what if he beats Tegoshi until.. until he’s covered with bloods again?

No way! Don’t think nonsense, Pikachu!

Eh? Did I just call my self… Pikachu? No.. No..

Uwaaaaaaaa… my cellphone rang again, I hope it’s Tegoshi telling that he’s coming here soon!”

“Moshi-moshi..” said Uchi answering the phone.

“Good afternoon.. Is this Uchi Hiroki?”

“Yes.. Who is this?”

“We’re from the police station.. Right now we have your brother under our care.. His name is Kota.. Is he your brother?”

“Eh?” suddenly it feels like ice stabbing right through Uchi and he got this scared feeling that something bad might’ve happened.

“Your brother have been caught shoplifting at the music store.. “



--- ---
Uchi ran to the police station, his mind were blank without thinking at all. He was really worried about Kota. Why Kota would do such thing?


When Uchi arrived at the police station, he saw Kota was sitting at the chair with two other police officers beside him. He was looking angry but still have that sturdy look on his face.
Uchi tried to talk to him but he won’t say a thing.

When Uchi talks to the police officer, they said the owner of the shop caught Kota putting the drumstick to his bag. And when he was cornered he turns violence and hit the owner. In that case, he’s charge of stealing and hurting.

Uchi felt so fragile hearing that. And it gets worse, they might have to put Kota to jail.

“No…” said Uchi sad.

But then after hearing a lot of explanation from the policeman, since Kota is still a student they were also aware that he’s still going to school so they might not put him to jail.

But somebody has to bail him out.


That means money. A lot of money.

--- ---

Oh, God.. Where could I get that much money?

Uchi let himself fall on the chair, he felt so weak.

--- ---

im happy with this chap, i dont know why,
well maybe because it will be the start of both pairing...
after this more to come for uchipi and ryotego *yeay*
hope you will like it too ^^
as always comment are LOVE <333

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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