Bittersweet [2/?]

Mar 04, 2009 04:15

Title : Bittersweet
Pairing : Uchipi - Ryotego
Summary : Tegoshi Yuya, a wealthy boy who always gets what he wants, suddenly decides to have a part time job just for fun
A/N : HELLO ^^, another update by me \(≧▽≦)/, im sorry to flooded your f-page with my updates ^^;;. As you might know before this story will be divided into 2 points of view. This one is from Tegoshi’s.WARNING: new characters children ^^

[Chapter 1]

Chapter Two.

This morning when I woke up, I saw something that’s making my mood goes

I mean, bad!

Why in the world would they still serve me white milk? Ugh!! I hate it when everyone doesn’t listen to me!

I’m going to make someone regret this!

“Ryooooooooo!!” screamed Tegoshi at 6 am that morning.

A man came to the room, he bowed politely before entering the room and getting closer to the cranky human being on the bed.

“Stupid!! I want my chocolate milk! Didn’t I say it that this month I will only drink chocolate milk?! Do I have to make it clear again? Do I have to say it twice?” he said with an awful look on his face.

That Ryo guy lowered his head and apologized. “I’m sorry, Tegoshi.. I forgot to tell the maid about that.. Please forgive me..” he said politely. It almost looked like an employee was saying sorry to his boss, well maybe that’s what that was.

“Whatever!! I just want my milk, now! NOOOOW!!!!!” demanded Tegoshi.

Ryo left the room at once without saying anything. Tegoshi smiled a bit satisfied whenever his wishes are being done quickly. Now he just has to wait for his milk to be delivered by his brother’s right hand man.

That’s right.

That man whom I just order around was my brother’s right hand man. But he’s more like a butler to me, more like a maître d' . Whatever that word means, bppfff..


I’m only asking not forcing him, but he’ll do whatever I told him.. Well, not everything, sometimes he makes me mad too. He’s the only one who can say no to my selfish request, even though he’s still said it politely and respectfully.

I hate that. When I don’t get what I want!

I’ll just scold him, he’s getting use to that.

Well, I’ve been told that I’m spoiled sometimes.

I’m kidding, what I meant to say was… All the time.

Hahaha who’s to blame? I even admit it that I’m a spoiled brat.

And I like to be one, and I’m planning to keep it that way.

Because this way I’ll always get what I want.

In a few minutes Ryo came with a glass of chocolate milk. He put it to the table and was about to get out from the room, but suddenly Tegoshi prevent him from leaving.

“Do you know it’s far from here to the table? I’m too lazy to walk! Can you bring it here?” said Tegoshi. Even though he said it sweetly, but the sound of the tone is enough to make your blood rise up to your head.

“Ofcourse..” answered Ryo. Well it seems like this man has already used to be treated this way.

Ryo walked near the bed and handed the glass to Tegoshi. Tegoshi gave stare at Ryo who hasn’t changed his expression since the time he got to the room. Tegoshi took the glass and drink it in one gulp.

“You better prepare now, Tegoshi.. Or else you’re going to be late for school..” said Ryo.

“No, I want to be late today, my first lesson is biology and I hate it.. If I arrive late then I can skip that lesson… Hoaaaaa, so let me sleep for a little while again..” said Tegoshi as he threw himself back to the pillow.

“Tegoshi you can’t do that.. It’s already near your final exa…”

“What did you say? I CAN’T do that?” Tegoshi look at at him.

Ryo grew silent for a moment, he knew Tegoshi hates the word ‘CAN’T’.

“Fine, be sure to be prepared in one hour, okay..” Ryo sighed. “I’ll be waiting downstairs..”

“Yeahh.. Yeah…” mumbled Tegoshi before he’s drown to deep sleep.

--- ---

I was born in the Okada family. Yes, that’s right Okada family.

Since long time ago, everyone knows that my family is one of the biggest Yakuza gang in Tokyo city. I was born in this dark world.

Hahahha… I love it that it could sound so dramatic, for me those guys were only scary
looking dudes who has an ability to fight and kill. My brother, Junichi was the heir and has been the leader since he was 18 years old. Which makes me 6 years old at that time.

My brother has been taking over the family business because our Dad died of long sickness, and I already lost my Mom when she gave birth to me. So it has always been me and my brother. He’s the most important person for me. No one else matters for me.

But he doesn’t hover much about me, he just assumed as long as I get what I fancy, then it means he’s done his job to raise me.

When I entered the public school, he gave me a false name so that I won’t get recognize by his enemies. That name was Tegoshi. I like that name very much so I made everyone call me that. Well my sure name supposed to be Okada Yuya, I guess I forget about that already.

--- ---

“Ne.. Ne.. Ryo.. I don’t feel like going to school.. Let’s just skip it..” said Tegoshi smiling, turning his head to Ryo who’s driving him to the school.

“What? No, you’re going to school..” Ryo shook his head.

“Ehh? Why? I’m bored, I’m not in the mood for studying.. Let’s just go somewhere and have fun?” persuade Tegoshi again this time more convincing. But Ryo didn’t even blink, he just sighed.

“ If you don’t want to go to school then just go back to the house..”

Tegoshi was getting more upset. “Back to the house? Ah! You’re no fun! Let’s just drive somewhere.. Let’s go to Kanagawa? Or Kyoto? Let’s take a trip for a day?!! Come on!”

“Listen, Tegoshi.. After dropping you to the school I have job to do with your brother and I can’t go anywhere.. So, you might as well just find another companion..” explained Ryo stiffly.

“Find then, I’ll go ask my friend.. Ummm.. Who should I ask?” Tegoshi grabbed his cellphone from the pocket and search for names. “Kusano-kun??? Yokoyama-kun?? Ah.. I know! Koki-kun will definitely want to go with me!”

Ryo’s eyebrows twitched by the mention of so many guys name. He doesn’t like the idea of Tegoshi being surrounded by strangers, his safety could be in danger. It would be better if Tegoshi said all girls name, but he doesn’t have many girls friends as in he’s not interested in them. And Ryo knew that already.

“Jya.. Hai! Hai! I’ll accompany you..” said Ryo hurriedly.

It’s his current main job anyway.

The boss, Junnichi, told Ryo that he gave his trust to guard his little brother to Ryo. Whenever Ryo is not on a task with the gang, then it was his job to keep Tegoshi safe from the others. Being in a Yakuza family doesn’t gives you a lot places to go by yourself, there could always enemy who might hurt you anytime, anywhere.

So in other words, Ryo was like a bodyguard for Tegoshi.

--- ---

So that day, they end up going to Yuigahama Beach. Eating the local food and went shopping for backpack and shoes. Tegoshi bought three jackets at once.

“That fedora hat is cool, right? I wonder if Kame-chan would look good in it.. Let’s buy this one too, Ryo..” said Tegoshi while touching the red hat. He showed it to Ryo’s face.

“No.. You have been spending a lot today..” said Ryo sharply.

“Ehhh?? But I want to buy this for Kame-chan..” pouts Tegoshi.

“Tell him to go buy it himself! I’m not giving you any money again, especially when
you’re spending it as a gift for other people..”

“Wha? What?!” Tegoshi protest. “You’re so annoying , you know that..” said Tegoshi turning his face away from Ryo and just go looking for other things.

Tegoshi’s money all was being handled by Ryo. Tegoshi has enormous amount of money that Junnichi gave every month. But he can’t have it all on him or save it himself, not until he turn 18. Junnichi said so, so Tegoshi doesn’t complaints about it. He still gets to buy half of what he wants every day.

“You know, you’ve been pretty tight on money these days.. I wonder if I should find a part time work to get myself a pocket money..” mumbled Tegoshi who was still pissed off.

“Don’t be foolish..”

“We’ll see…” smirk Tegoshi.

--- ---

“STOP THE CAR!!” shouted Tegoshi when they passed the supermarket.

“Tegoshi, you know you don’t have to yell all the time…” whined Ryo touching his ear.

“Just park the car quickly.. Hayaku!!” Tegoshi pointed to the parking lot.

As soon as the engine stopped Tegoshi stormed out off the car and entered the supermarket. Ryo was surprised how he moved so fast, Ryo hasn’t taken off his seat belt yet. Then he ran to catch up with Tegoshi.

Tegoshi grabbed his favourite grape juice and some chips and brought it to the cashier.

“This is the total..” the staff points at the number on the machine.

“Here..” Tegoshi gave the money he took from Ryo earlier. A couple yen.

“Thank you.. Please come again..” said the staff warmly.

“Ne.. I saw the add outside.. Is there still a slot for a job?” asked Tegoshi bluntly.

--- ---

And that how it was.. I got my first part time job here at the supermarket..
I can start to work tomorrow after I finish my school. I’m so excited!

Now, I don’t really care about the payment because it sucks, hahahaha… I just want to have fun. Because it’s getting boring at home doing nothing. Well, I’m not sure I’ll do a good job there, but what the hell I’m not serious anyway.

As expected, Ryo gone mad when I did that. He against it very much and he told me that he’s going to tell my brother about this. You have no idea how long it takes and how many talks we’ve had until he agrees to keep it a secret. Well, there’s a lot of screaming from me that’s why he back out.

--- ---
“I want you managed this section.. and after that put the price on each stuff, be sure to tidy it all..” guide the owner of the supermarket. It was the first day of Tegoshi’s first part time job.

“Okay..” smiled Tegoshi.

There’s no way the owner of that supermarket knew behind that sweet smile lies a spoiled king. Tegoshi is brilliant at making an outstanding first impression.

“There’s someone who’s already in charge of this section.. You should ask him for any guidance..” the owner patted on someone near them. That person turn his face to Tegoshi.

“Hajimemashite..” greets Tegoshi.

“Hajimemashite..” said that person. Looks like this person is going to be Tegoshi’s working partner.

After the owner left them, that person began putting the price on the stuff again.
Tegoshi followed him quickly while he’s making an attempt on conversation.

“Hello! I’m Tegoshi! What’s your name?” asked Tegoshi cheerfully.

“Uchi Hiroki..” he said smiling.

--- ---

im not gonna say much about this chap,
but i'd love to hear your opinion about RyoTego relationship here?
so as always comments are LOVE
jyaa ^___^

uchipi, ryotego, fanfic

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