Happy Birthday to me!!

Jun 15, 2011 05:33

Well, we won't say my age, but today is my birthday. As I lay in bed yesterday, fighting with insomnia, it occurred to me to think of all my past deeds, both good and bad. I have many regrets, but nothing I would do over. We all have regrets, but, if we had it to do all over, would we really change anything? We would not have the same experiences, the same memories, the same thoughts or conclusions if we decided to take different paths. I always know the bad things that came out of every situation I've been in, but I've tried to see what positives I've gained from each one. With my first husband I learned that I like to work and make my own money, and I was given the most precious gift I've ever received: My son. With my divorce, I learned that it is not the end of the world, and I need to get out there and make a living for myself and not expect others to do it for me. With my second husband, I learned more Spanish, and that I will not tolerate a bully or a drunkard in my house. I backslid a little when I got that one roommate, as she was a bully and her son was an alcoholic. I used my cab driver friend as a means to escape her, but he was a drunkard, too. Finally free of all of them, I learned that Alex and I are at our best when we live with just the two of us, and no one else. Sure, we had some bumps and scrapes along the way, but I'm happy where I am now, and those experiences we had will help us make better decisions in the future, I think. So, happy 40th birthday to me, and may I live to see another 50 to come.

Be good or be good at it


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