Oct 13, 2005 13:55
its so wonderful..all my music in one little box! too bad i'm so bad at working technology and it took me forever to figure out how to work everything..
last night i hung out with natalie and lauren and natalie was talking about how her dad did all this crazy stuff in highschool and how he made every day a "summer day". we went over this idea but concluded (or me and lauren at least) that we dont like talking to people at school anyway, so whats the point? especially now that i have a permanent get-away from everything that surounds me. pretty sweet..i guess.
i'm sorry for rececting you livejournal, but i was only saving my few readers from hearing about all the depressing things that go on these days.
ex. friends collage. half the people have moved away, and the other half i no longer speak with. exagerated i suppose but almost true.
i want to move to brazil. too bad you have to fucking be in college to study at a university..effff
paris? i hate settling but it will be good. i hope.