Dearest eljay - I have not forgotten you! What a momentum suck Facebook is. It is so much easier to drop a line there than to write some bombastic rant here. The trouble with that is that I can't really talk about sex as much as I would like to but that is also partly true here or at least it should be but maybe it is not. Har har har
Things that are of the moment:
1. Patrick Blanc
I find his work enthralling and I wish we had
living walls like his here in Chicago. I am definitely doing a small indoor installation once we own a place of our own. I keep thinking I would like to do a green roof as well but beggars can not be choosers. I think that, in general, I have become more and more frustrated by my lack of personal greenspace but the reality of the situation is that we won't be buying a home anytime soon. When the time does come I definitely wouldn't mess around with a condo; I need grass and earth!
2. Top Gear (UK)
Priceless humor. Amazingly funny and occasionally heart warming interactions among the hosts. Seasons 2-15 now streaming on Netflix
3. Babies
More than one couple we know are actively trying and someone we know is expecting. Everyone seems to be spreading their seed across the land. I've only recently come to terms with the fact that I would like to have a little one of my own but the idea still seems very strange to me. I know that my best babymaking years have passed and that I am now in that fleeting age range between young and fertile and aack! your baby will have Down's Syndrome but I don't feel any biological clock ticking. I don't see us having children until at least - bare minimum- 3,4? years down the road. Still, doesn't it seem ridiculous to keep wanting to put off what we humans were born to do?
4. Naive Melody
Could be the best song ever. This is obviously very subjective so arguments will not be heard. I've been listening to a Miles Fisher remix lately. The best soundtrack for walking home alone!
5. Horny sluts
Okay not really. I have been super horny lately though. Ha ha ha see above!
and goodnight!