Keep thinking about those cartons of eggs I saw at the Jewel. There were two brands of "organic" eggs that advertised their product as cage-free, hormone-free, antibiotic-free, the usual list. But they also both claimed that the eggs were vegetarian. Yes! they really said that the eggs were vegetarian. How is that possible? What moron doesn't know what eggs are and where they come from? Do I need to take the entire Chicagoland area adult population by the hand and march them down to the Museum of Science and Industry and show them the chick incubator? And no one would be allowed to see the Colleen Moore Fairy Castle until everyone understood exactly what eggs are!
So I can't register online because my student account is "delinquent". So I went to the Bursar's office and demanded a statement and they were all no, you have a $157 credit. And I was all then let me register bitch! And gimme me my hunnert fifty bucks!
I have yet to register or to received said monies. But it looks like I'm gonna take a class over the summer and go back to full-time in the fall. And the bursar's better send me a refund check and quit screwing around with my online account balance. It's never correct! Never! In fact, once they send me the refund check they are probably going to charge my account for it. And then I will "owe" them $157 plus whatever the hell the online statement says I owe now. Weirdos
The Apartment People just came by. It's nearly 8:30. In the p.m. In the post meridiem! In the pre-midnight! I could have said no but I was still up and dressed and the agent sounded a bit desperate. They better rent this place dammit! That way I won't have to put up with any more visits and no interruption of precious weekend sleeping in/eating cheerios in my underwear time. Mmmmmm Honey Nut. So glad I bought that box of cereal.
kleptoskamra doesn't like it. He can suck it!