- I hope I can do this without too many typos. I pulled something in my upper back and this week I've had serious pain and muscle spasms in my right arm. Today the whole arm feels numb and weak. I can hardly grip anything. I'm worried I might have seriously bruised a disc or something.
- My neighbor approached me the other day about a little kitty whom she's been feeding. She can't take it herself, as her boyfriend is not a cat fan, and she's got a dog anyway. So after a day of mulling it over I agreed - with many misgivings - to take the kitty myself. The kitty is so adorable, with long, gray fur and huge green eyes. She's very friendly too, loves to be petted. The only problems are that I'm really paranoid about disease, I'm not sure if I can afford to get her shots and get her fixed. I didn't even think about the worst possibility but when I finally took her inside last night, I found out. As soon as she came in, Fanny lunged for her. Fanny's been queen of the castle for 18 years now, with no one to challenge her authority. So she went after Fiona (which is what I tentatively call the New Kitty at this time). Fiona didn't like that, and so there was a hissing session, followed by a start to a fight. This I would not tolerate. If the new kitty is a latent carrier of any disease, one of the most likely ways to transmit would be through scratches, and I will not have that. Fanny is vulernable due to her age. I'm also dubious about swine flu, as I've heard of several cases of cats getting it, and fanny would probably be devastated if she got it. at her age. So poor Fiona was banished to the back porch. I had a basket fixed up with blankets so she could stay warm, and she does have really long, thick fur, but all the same i felt bad about it. But what do you do? I'm not going to risk Fanny on any account. She's been my baby for 18 years now, a loyal friend and companion, and she trusts me completely. Fiona can just suck it up until I have figured out a solution. She's been outdoors this long, and she survived the horrific cold snap from last week, so I think she'll be just fine.
- Well, tonight I'll be in Atlanta going to see Ratanda's band play at the Drunken Unicorn. I hope my back stops hurting so I can enjoy it. But well, it would still hurt no matter what I do tonight, and maybe if I have a beer or two it'll relax. I really need to get some Flexeril or something.
- Well time to get off this thing and get back to work.
**Update: well I got a few miles from home before the muscle spasms started and I realized that driving was not going to help. So I went home and got some beer and relaxed with the movie: "Dead Man's Shoes" by Shane Meadows. It was a really interesting film shot in Scotland about a guy who comes back from the army to avenge his brother's death at the hands of a bunch of worthless junkies who'd hazed him until he hung himself (after dropping acid at their behest.) His brother was a mentally challenged boy and kknd of weak. The avenging brother uses their own drugs against them - it's awesome.