First of all...let me start by saying...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TIFFANY!!!! Hope you have fun so deserve it.
<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 Much love
Ok...anyway...I'm sitting in the A computer pod. I just did some dumb thing for Mr.Edgar, and now I'm writing typing an entry. Yay! lol. Lunch was kind of boring. We got the chin qiuver going, and we did the Jock "oh..." when Trevor fell out of his chair. Kathy told me I was a slut today, b/c of my shirt...she also said it was hot, I'm guessing that's a good thing...
Last night was the Dover Christmas Parade. I was really cold, but it was okay, b/c I saw some people I knew!! Aunt Sue, Spencer, Kiley, random band parents, and best of all....I SAW TJ!!! Yes folks, the return of TJ, DHS's former and current drum major.... I actually think he remembered me. I was all excited, but then I remembered that I was still in the parade, and had to keep going. We didn't win first place...some babies in wagons won first place...what's exciting about babies in wagons??? They can't even talk......THEY'RE BABIES!!!! Not that they weren't cute or anything, but THEY'RE BABIES!!!!!!!!
As Euan would say
Love you all x