(no subject)

Mar 09, 2006 21:23

How well do you know me?? For instance, did you know...?

Four jobs you have had in your life:

1. page at hauppauge library

2. Babysitter

3. camp counsler

4. i think thats it

Four movies you would watch over and over:

1. 10 things i hate about you

2. titanic

3. forest gump

4. pulp fiction

Four places you have lived:

1. hauppauge, ny

2. queens, ny

3. thats it..

4. thats it..

Four TV shows you love to watch:

1. Greys Anatomy

2. scrubs

3. ER

4. friends

Four places you have been on vacation:


2. Bethany Beach, de

3. New hampshire

4. cozumel, mexico

Four websites I visit almost daily:

1. LJ

2. Myspace

3. yahoo

4. binghamton

Four of my favorite foods:

1. pizza

2. pasta of any sort

3. ice cream

4. mashed potatoes

Four places I would rather be right now:

1. disney

2. beach

3. marian shrine

4. basically just not in hauppauge

Four friends who I have tagged that I think will respond

1. meg (coz and torpey)

2. elise

3. sean

4. michelle

I've been tagged. so here it goes...copy and paste, delete my answers, replace with your own and post
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