(no subject)

Aug 28, 2005 14:44

Friday around 2:30 Karen came over and we packed the car and left for KOA Campground. Its a campground that my family and I have been going to since i was 7 with my moms work. We got there and unloaded everything to the cabin. It was SOO much fun. We hung out with Chad(my moms friends son) and my brother pretty much the entire time. We went Putt-Putting and i lost..out of four people :(,went on train rides,got icecream,went to a dance thingy,got banana bikes,got lost on walks at night when it was dark and we had one flashlight,had bon fires,recorded immitations,wasted car battery by sitting in there listenting to music,played follow the leader and the shadow and penis game,met some random guy who was 19 named nathan who lived in Canada,booked ass to the candyshop lol,got pizza at the SALOON,got scared shitless by the boys,oh yeah uhmm are those cactuses*sp?* real? lol,some fat mean old lady gave us the finger when we waved :(...eh what else happened..oh yeah..*cut my wrist and black my eyes*<< is all im gonna say cause i dnt wanna be mean about that one, resisted aresst hah,and so much more i loved it..It thunderstormed on saturday which kinda sucked cause we couldnt do much cause most things closed..that night all the adults were at a campfire so me, karen, chad, and brian just hung out..finally went in the cabin for the night around 12:45 after we got karen medicine for her rash thingy..woke up around 10..packed up and left..Came home, unpacked, ate, showered, hung out with karen, and here i am.

right guys right? yeah. uh-huh. thats neat. oh really?
haha lol..

I Love Camping With You Guys!!

VMA's Tonight!!
High School Tommorrow!!

you know you wanna..just go ahead and do it..comment

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