Jul 05, 2005 01:06
MMMM boy - you are right Meg, what would we ever do without good ole' Jack -
So, exciting, I just worked all day! Actually, it wasn't so bad - we were enjoying ourselves, I work with a buncha dorks! We have way too much fun haha - And then I went out to my lake cabin to watch the fire works show n' all that jazz on the lake mmmm hmmm - good times - just like growin' up! Except all I have left is Andreas from the original clan..it's quite sad - the rest are no longer present for the annual 4th of July extravaganza...
I spoke with Macsen again today - he just cracks me up! And with Jacob and Stevo - crazy, crazy kids - I do miss them though - I have to say, it was the most adorable thing cuz Stevo told the group of people he was with I was a friend from back home haha, clearly I'm not and he never caught his mistake, it was funny and too cute to correct him on it!
I want you to all know I'm kidnapping Stevo's brother Christian cuz he's so darn hilarious and cool - no worries, I'll put him back before Stephen comes home, he wont even know he was gone! shhhh - I always wanted a little brother - my parents refused to give me one...sad huh? Haha -
Anyway - did you like my subject line for today? It's from that fabulous book I'm reading! Mm Hm - I like it - I also like the fact that Relient K's newest CD is titled Mm Hmm...cuz I say that all the time!
Anyway - Cards land six-pack in All-Star Game!!!! WOOT! Go Cards!