Сб, 16:47: RT @ JMHaughey: @ Laffers18 Lancelot smiled as fed Daisy a piece of wedding cake - As she gazed into his eyes, she coughed. Allergic to so ...
Сб, 16:47: RT @ JMHaughey: @ Laffers18 She grabbed her throat and gasped her breath. She tried to say 'Help'. Lancelot stuck her with the epi-pen. It ...
Сб, 16:55: A woman and 4 of her children were caught in a fire at the home. She survived, the 4 children died :( So sad.
Сб, 18:31: Off to see some of the girlies for the evening...good times! Have taken my low calorie dinner with me...tis how I roll! LOL
Вс, 00:12: 12.15am and on the way home from the girls night in. Was up at 6am for work and I am now fucking knackered!