Чт, 07:18: Stupid fucking ear! Arghhhhhh!Tonight I think I may have 2 go 2 bed as soon as I get home on the hopes of catching a few more hours sleep :(
Чт, 12:09: Woke up to a DM this morning from @ some1tookmename which made me laugh my ass off. Love that woman!
Чт, 18:47: I <3 despite my better judgement ;) RT @ vstradtner: ...most #Bones fans are so far up Emily Deschanel's ass that they don't get the show?
Чт, 19:39: I <3 you. RT @ rynogeny: Oh, dear. I was bad. I was very, very bad. I couldn't help it. Apologies to those I may offend: http://t.co/fVFYrJN3