Sep 20, 2003 23:45
feeling sort of broken. I know someone who is very unhappy and self-hating and it's making me sad thinking of it. Please! People! You only have one true possession in this world. Yourself. Take care of it and love it because it's all you'll have when everything else goes.
I feel so old and naive at the same time. it's weird.
I have been writing very random poetry. I have one about gerbils singing Christmas carols and another about a linen ad that prompted a story about a prince. Product of a random brain I suppose.
Tuesday's Child
I have mined an opal
as big as my right foot
on my bathroom floor
the water that has
dripped off
from my varied body
from true ivory to golden bisque
the oil and salt of my rub
creating an iridescent
puddle on my bathroom floor
the white tile
and just the right angle
making October's watery jewel
my favorite part of the gerbil one:
I think they are singing "O Christmas Tree"
By the beat
I can't tell with their squeaky voices
ah, but I have forgotten
it is their native Mongolian
desire me
always softly
and alive
no twinge of orange
with the hot Red
wow, that's lots of poetry. I don't feel like sharing the "Art of Bedding" haha, what kind of person would have that be their company's slogan. Sounds so wrong. Did you hear that? That clank?
yes I think it was Colette's big round head rolling down the gutter.
wow, Mr. Mraz. what an aphrodisiac. he's just so smooth. I think that's what it is. Well, it's not the only reason. But I really don't need to catalog my entire list. :)