It's what I want to do to Ben Barnes. For the record, children, I have no idea what's wrong with me. My hormones are all over the place and, just, grrrrrrrrr. I get like this. I'll be so-so for the longest time and then I'll hit this sharp peak of horniness that's, in all honestly, kind of fucking scary. I'm practically climbing the walls over here and my poor co-workers, some of them true buddies, don't know what to do with me. I figure they'll just go with it as I have to go with it. And all I can do is hope that this lasts to the end of the month. >_> Granted, it doesn't help that the opposite end of this feeling results in me wanting to cry at the drop of a hat! I mean, I found out Jonnie (creator of the Silent Rave) will be going back to England on the 24th and I almost started bawling right there in the office. What kind of shit is that?! *sigh* Anyhoo, yes, the Ravishment of Ben. Let us commence:
Lmao! Goddess, I love the internet!
I wouldn't mind being that bike...
But I rather be this one!
You just don't get more unfair than this pretty!
I could totally date this dude. Seriously, what's not to date about him?
And the current cherry atop my frothy sundae? THIS! Oh, yeah, work it!
Ben has an awesome sense of humor which just makes him, impossibly, even more attractive. But it goes without saying that a guy who looks like that doesn't need much help in that all! @_@