Aug 01, 2007 23:53
In psychology class, we once debated whether or not there was a type of "good" stress. You know, a certain level of stress directly related to a positive event in one's life. At the time, I believe there was. It probably does the heart and nerves good to be kept a little on edge and to later get a killer payoff, right? Now I'm starting to doubt that. And it's entirely possible that it corresponds only to me though I could be wrong; I'm just gonna speak for myself to be on the safe side. I think it all has to do with my brain's natural affinity for turning everything, even the positive shit around me, into a stress that brings me down. Maybe I just don't handle any type of stress well and the final outcome of any pressure will always end up the same. Or maybe the bad stress outweighs the good. Or maybe I'm just a super-emo lame-ass but I don't care! I just want to stop feeling so shitty all the time. I want those fleeting moments of happiness to not be fleeting at all. I think my real problem is that I don't know how to just settle for what I have and stop wanting more. I seriously need to figure out how to do that. :(