Nov 28, 2004 05:49
i hate insomnia. i hate how often it visits. i can't work my mind down and my body wont cave dead until about 8 to 10 in the morning. the end result is xanax and melatonin can't do me in and i awake restless and groggy to function in most rudely scheduled days.
now that i have a home and a KICK-ASS computer i'm finding myself being drawn me back in. in to computer land, ketch-up! but this world, of all the knowledge, colorful images and stories, makes me very gloomy when i stare to long and see the superficiality and other such undertones. then it's taken further, by my own will to torture and destroy (myself) or push my boundaries, when i'm sticking pins into my sensitive and greyer areas with what i choose to see.
fuck it.