TV bits.

Feb 27, 2008 10:55

There's still some songs left to guess at the music meme thingie

We got a date for Dexter over here: March 26th. Which makes me a bit nervous because we get Torchwood on the same day and what if they put them at the same hour? Yes, I am totally ignoring the fact that Torchwood has at least two more repeats during the week.

Maybe I can go according to mood? The Wednesday I crave omnisexual alien crack, I shall got for Torchwood and the Wednesday I crave dark comedy fantastic written/acted/directed/catered TV, I'll go with Dexter.

Useless Fact that everyone knows: Both Torchwood and Dexter's leading men played Billy Flynn on Chicago. Barrowman even got the chance to have Jennifer Ellison on his lap!

Useless Fact that everyone knows Part Two. Electric Bogaloo: Both shows have actors with the initials JB. now if we could get the one JB that hasn't been nekkid onscreen to do so....

Also, Bones is back! I missed Dave looking hot it. I had this weird craving to get the Season 1 DVD the other day, then I realized I didn't want the DVD's, I just wanted one ep - 1x03. I am just amused at how they pronounce "Venezuela". *Says the girl who manages to butcher just about any other word in the English language*

dexter, bones, torchwood

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