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tijd January 14 2023, 16:21:30 UTC
Брюс Камингс - грамотный историк и факты не искажает. Но его общая антиколониальная интерпретация (окрашенная травмой Вьетнамской войны) несколько односторонняя.

Рецензия New York Times приводит характерную цитату "Here was the Vietnam War we came to know before Vietnam - gooks, napalm, rapes, whores, an unreliable ally, a cunning enemy, fundamentally untrained G.I.’s fighting a war their top generals barely understood, fragging of officers, contempt for the know-nothing civilians back home, devilish battles indescribable even to loved ones, press handouts from Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s headquarters apparently scripted by comedians or lunatics, an ostensible vision of bringing freedom and liberty to a sordid dictatorship run by servants of Japanese imperialism." https://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/22/books/22book.html

Рецензия Washington Post более критичная:

Cumings displays a limited grasp of sources that have emerged since he published his second volume on the war's origins in 1990. Since then an enormous number of government documents have become available on the roles of the United States, the Soviet Union and China on the origins, course and impact of the war, and historians have produced a substantial new literature devoted to interpreting them. For example, in "Undermining the Kremlin: America's Strategy to Subvert the Soviet Bloc, 1947-1956" Gregory Mitrovich demonstrates that George F. Kennan's version of containment during 1948 and '49 was not limited to Western Europe and Japan, as Cumings suggests. Mitrovich and others have demonstrated persuasively that the Kennan-drafted National Security Council document 48 provided the rationale for an active if non-military campaign to roll back Soviet power. Cumings's apparent unfamiliarity with this revelation leads him to misinterpret the evolution of American views on the nature of the Soviet threat.
Cumings also ignores evidence from archives in China and Russia that sheds light on the lead-up to North Korea's invasion of the south. Cumings lays emphasis on a Chinese role in the attack, but newly released documents show that Beijing was largely left out of the pre-war planning while Moscow was intimately involved.

Среди более недавних и взвешенных книжек рекомендуют японского историка Харуки Вада https://www.amazon.com/Korean-War-International-History-Perspectives-ebook/dp/B079VV24M9/


lafeber January 15 2023, 03:07:31 UTC
Мне в этом плане понравилась критика со стороны Уильяма Стуека:

""Cumings displays a limited grasp of sources that have emerged since he published his second volume on the war's origins in 1990" and that readers "wanting an up-to-date account of the war in all its complexity should look elsewhere ."

Это про книгу 2010, из которой я привел цитату. Эта книга действительно вызывает слишком много нареканий. В частности автор игнорирует открытия в российских архивах 90-х годов. Автор как будто застрял в середине 80-х, когда было принято считать, что Корейская война была "сугубо гражданской войной, в которую влезли американцы". Автор - упертый ревизионист. Все остальные историки уже давно как трансформировались в пост-ревизионистов. У автора как ревизиониста сейчас не остается другого пути как игнорировать советские архивы и продолжать мусолить темы "серой морали": диктатор Лисынман, крестьянские восстания на Юге, латентная гражданская война, непонятно кто напал первым, военные преступления американцев.

Печально то, что в 80-х этот же автор написал, как говорят, хороший двухтомник про Корейскую войну, и тем самым заработал себе репутацию. Прошло 20 лет, и автор, видно, деградировал.


tijd January 15 2023, 03:55:24 UTC
С рельсов трудно слезть. В 2017 Камингс приветствовал дипломатию Трампа в Северной Корее:

"There’s no telling whether this was serious, or just another Trump attempt to grab headlines. But whatever else he might be, he is unquestionably a maverick, the first president since 1945 not beholden to the Beltway. Maybe he can sit down with Mr Kim and save the planet."

Он не знал, что в это время происходило в Белом доме за закрытыми дверями. Поклонник генерала Макартура рвался продолжить дело своего кумира, но нынешним генералам удалось это предотвратить https://lafeber.livejournal.com/84313.html?thread=423257#t423257

Об этом недавно через журналиста поведал генерал Келли, руководитель администрации президента в 2017-2019.

"What scared Kelly even more than the tweets was the fact that behind closed doors in the Oval Office, Trump continued to talk as if he wanted to go to war. He cavalierly discussed the idea of using a nuclear weapon against North Korea, saying that if he took such an action, the administration could blame someone else for it to absolve itself of responsibility," according to the new section of the book.
Kelly tried to use reason to explain to Trump why that would not work, Schmidt continues.
"It’d be tough to not have the finger pointed at us," Kelly told the president, according to the afterword.
Kelly brought the military’s top leaders to the White House to brief Trump about how war between the U.S. and North Korea could easily break out, as well as the enormous consequences of such a conflict. But the argument about how many people could be killed had "no impact on Trump," Schmidt writes.
Kelly then tried to point out that there would be economic repercussions, but the argument held Trump’s attention for only so long, according to the afterword.
Then, Trump "would turn back to the possibility of war, including at one point raising to Kelly the possibility of launching a preemptive military attack against North Korea," Schmidt said.
Kelly warned that Trump would need congressional approval for a pre-emptive strike, which "baffled and annoyed" Trump, according to the afterword. <...>
According to the new section, Kelly came up with a plan he believes ultimately prompted Trump to dial back the rhetoric in spring 2018: appealing directly to Trump’s "narcissism."
Kelly convinced the president he could prove he was the "greatest salesman in the world" by trying to strike a diplomatic relationship, Schmidt writes, thereby preventing a nuclear conflict that Kelly and other top military leaders saw as a more immediate threat than most realized at the time.


lafeber January 16 2023, 02:38:03 UTC
>> a maverick, ... not beholden to the Beltway.

Мне кажется, что вот именно эти слова выдают в нем скрытого республиканца и поклонника Сары Палин. Не помню, чтобы демократы использовали их.

>> Kelly convinced the president he could prove he was the "greatest salesman in the world" by trying to strike a diplomatic relationship



tijd January 16 2023, 04:30:22 UTC
эти слова выдают в нем скрытого республиканца

Это место, в котором право-левая подкова смыкается. Каммингс - безусловно левых взглядов и сочувствует северным корейцам, жертвам империализма. В 2010, когда вышла его книга "The Korean War: A History", появилась другая влиятельная книга, "The Cleanest Race: How North Koreans See Themselves - and Why It Matters". Основной тезис: несмотря на исторические связи со Сталиным и Мао современная КНДР - не ультралевая, а ультраправая диктатура. Поэтому попытки договариваться с ней, как с СССР, заходят в неизбежный тупик.

"I aim to explain North Korea's dominant ideology or worldview - I use the words inter- changeably - and to show how far removed it is from communism, Confucianism and the show-window doctrine of Juche Thought. Far from complex, it can be summarized in a single sentence: The Korean people are too pure blooded, and therefore too virtuous, to survive in this evil world without a great parental leader. More must be added perhaps, if only to explain that "therefore" to an American reader, but not much more of importance. I need hardly point out that if such a race-based worldview is to be situated on our conventional left-right spectrum, it makes more sense to posit it on the extreme right than on the far left. Indeed, the similarity to the worldview of fascist Japan is striking."

Рецензия Кристофера Хитченса:

The whole idea of communism is dead in North Korea, and its most recent “Constitution,” “ratified” last April, has dropped all mention of the word. The analogies to Confucianism are glib, and such parallels with it as can be drawn are intended by the regime only for the consumption of outsiders. Myers makes a persuasive case that we should instead regard the Kim Jong-il system as a phenomenon of the very extreme and pathological right. It is based on totalitarian “military first” mobilization, is maintained by slave labor, and instills an ideology of the most unapologetic racism and xenophobia.
These conclusions of his, in a finely argued and brilliantly written book, carry the worrisome implication that the propaganda of the regime may actually mean exactly what it says, which in turn would mean that peace and disarmament negotiations with it are a waste of time-and perhaps a dangerous waste at that. <...>
Myers also points out that many of the slogans employed and displayed by the North Korean state are borrowed directly-this really does count as some kind of irony-from the kamikaze ideology of Japanese imperialism. Every child is told every day of the wonderful possibility of death by immolation in the service of the motherland and taught not to fear the idea of war, not even a nuclear one.
The regime cannot rule by terror alone, and now all it has left is its race-based military ideology. Small wonder that each “negotiation” with it is more humiliating than the previous one. As Myers points out, we cannot expect it to bargain away its very raison d’etre.


lafeber January 17 2023, 03:14:24 UTC
>> phenomenon of the very extreme and pathological right.

Любопытный взгляд.

Хотя автор симпатизирует северный корейцам, Камингс всё же называет режим Кима "современной формой монархии", поставившего "сталинизм и марксизм-ленинизм с ног на голову". Т.е старается в панегириста не превращаться.


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