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tijd December 25 2022, 14:12:23 UTC
Увольнение Макартура требовало сильного ответа, и Маккарти нанял Фрэнсиса Паркера Йоки написать ему речь.

"Was there ever an instance, in the Second World War, in which an American general, who had held the highest military commands within the power of his nation confer on him, covered with the glories of his numerous victories, was removed from his command because he wanted to win the war? Of course there was not-the Washington regime wanted to win that war, so it encouraged and honored victorious generals. But in the Third World War, in which we are now engaged, which we are daily losing, and in which every day we are faced with a new scandal, a new lie, a new treason-everything is different. General MacArthur was disgracefully removed from command, and his offense was that he wanted to win the war.
In very truth, America has two ways of waging war. One for victory, and one for defeat.
Fellow Americans, we have stood in the pence of some awful truths tonight, we have contemplated some terrible things, we have witnessed the foulest of all crimes, the crime of treason. We have looked into the form of events, and the events have yielded up their mystery to us. Now that we know precisely what is wrong in our great land, what is our response?
It is one of the things for which we must be grateful that the Communist faction does not yet have sufficient power to prevent free elections, nor to stifle the public voice, nor prevent public organization in self-defense against the Communist advance within America. Twenty years ago, if anyone had foretold that in the time to come an American military commander would be dismissed for trying to bring victory to American arms, he would have been called a lunatic. Yet we have sense just that. If this pattern of events continues, twenty years from today the Communists will be embarking on their final mopping-up operations in their total destruction of everything the idea America has stood for in the history of nations. Perhaps they would have the assistance of barbarian troops from Russia. Perhaps that would not be necessary. If Americans are nothing but peace-seeking slaves who will pay tribute for peace, who will pay ransom to an enemy who kidnaps American airmen, the destruction of America from within will be easy."

По иронии в 1952 Йоки, идеолог неонацизма, стал поклонником Сталина после того, как съездил в Прагу посмотреть на антисемитскую чистку в руководстве Чехословакии https://puppet-djt.livejournal.com/157189.html


lafeber December 26 2022, 03:24:48 UTC
Прям Клуб любителей чисток: Маккарти, Сталин, Йоки.

>> and his offense was that he wanted to win the war.

Здесь он искривил реальность чуток. Формально генерала сняли за несоблюдение субординации.

Речеписца извиняет тот факт, что тексты СНБ-73 и СНБ-76 были засекречены на тот момент, и он не знал, что стратеги из ОКНШ считали, что при определенных условиях нельзя настаивать на победе в войне в Корее, а лучше отступить. Такая победа была бы пиррова. Маккартур знал содержание тех отчетов СНБ, но игнорировал их до 1951. И, что примечательно, он успокоился весной 1951 и не требовал больше оружия для бомбежки КНР. У Маккартура завихрение мозгов пришлось примерно на декабрь 1950.


tijd December 26 2022, 13:26:13 UTC
он успокоился весной 1951

Макартура уволили 11 апреля 1951. За неделю до этого в Нью-Йорке супругов Розенбергов приговорили к электрическому стулу. В обвинительном заключении судья Ирвинг Кауфман утверждал, что их предательство привело к Корейской войне:

"I consider your crime worse than murder. Plain deliberate contemplated murder is dwarfed in magnitude by comparison with the crime you have committed. In committing the act of murder, the criminal kills only his victim. The immediate family is brought to grief and when justice is meted out the chapter is closed. But in your case, I believe your conduct in putting into the hands of the Russians the A-bomb years before our best scientists predicted Russia would perfect the bomb has already caused, in my opinion, the Communist aggression in Korea, with the resultant casualties exceeding 50,000 and who knows but that millions more of innocent people may pay the price of your treason. Indeed, by your betrayal you undoubtedly have altered the course of history to the disadvantage of our country."

Приговор ставил себе в заслугу 24-летний прокурор Рой Кон, будущий ментор Дональда Трампа. Позже он перешёл на работу к Маккарти.


lafeber December 27 2022, 03:03:58 UTC
Про Кона помню, читал у вас.

>> putting into the hands of the Russians the A-bomb ... has already caused, in my opinion, the Communist aggression in Korea,

Это он, конечно, преувеличил.


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