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tijd March 20 2022, 11:43:55 UTC
Современные западные аналитики учатся словам "маскировка" и "провокация".

Историк Тимоти Снайдер:

"Vladimir Putin likes to associate today’s Russian Federation with the old Russian empire, and in one sense he is right. The Russian empire was the most repressive state of its era, with the most refined state police: the Okhrana. Russian revolutionaries, the men and women who would establish the Soviet state, were educated by its methods. It did not simply hunt them down; it ensnared them, often without their knowledge, in a complicated dance of incriminating their comrades. It specialized in provocations. It knew how to make its enemies do the work for it.
Intelligence work means finding things out. Counterintelligence means making this difficult for others. At the far fringe of counterintelligence are operations designed not just to confuse the world but to change it: in Russian, maskirovka or provokatsiia. The Cheka, as the Bolshevik state-security apparatus was known, took over and extended these methods of the Okhrana. Communist ideology lent them new life. No one was ever innocent; everyone was connected to the class struggle in one way or another; using people against one another was justified.
Thanks to tradition and ideology, Soviet organs were superior to their Western counterparts. In the early 1920s, when the Soviet state was vulnerable to outside pressure, the Cheka ran an operation called “Trust.” Its operatives went abroad to pose as members of a conspiratorial organization inside the U.S.S.R. They told European intelligence services that they could bring down the Soviet regime, and just needed money. This discouraged European states from intervening in the Soviet Union at a time when intervention would have made a difference, and secured hard currency to supplement the Cheka’s budget.
During the Second World War, the NKVD (as the Soviet state police was then known) was more formidable than the Gestapo. After the joint German-Soviet invasion of 1939, Poland was divided between the two powers, and its territory formed a kind of natural experiment. When the Gestapo had a lead and made an arrest, it tortured and it killed. Polish resistance continued. Under Soviet occupation, there was no Polish resistance. The NKVD made an arrest, turned the person to their side, and sent him or her back as an agent. They did this until entire underground groups were essentially doing what Soviet power wanted them to do. Only then was everyone arrested or sent to the Gulag or executed.
It was much the same story during the Cold War. Had the Cold War been an intelligence contest, the Americans would not have stood much of a chance. Like the Europeans before them, the Americans simply lacked the instinctual paranoia, habitual creativity, and years of practice necessary to sniff out provocations."

Более научный советский термин - «рефлексивное управление».

«Рефлексивное управление - это воздействие на субъектов, склоняющее их принять решения, заранее подготовленные управляющей стороной.»

Создатель концепции рефлективного управления Владимир Лефевр позже указывал на сложность договоренности между сторонами, которые используют разные этические системы.

"В первой этической системе есть процедура разрешения конфликтов, поднимающая этический статус обеих сторон, а во второй этической системе нет процедуры разрешения конфликта, поднимающей этический статус субъекта в своих собственных глазах и в глазах других людей. Конфликт во второй этической системе заканчивается либо победой одной из сторон, либо обращением к вышестоящим инстанциям."


lafeber March 20 2022, 16:19:59 UTC
>> with the most refined state police: the Okhrana

Правильней написать: охранка. Или Третье охранное отделение. В целом, рациональное зерно тут есть. Кеннану удалось прощупать эту преемственную связь между Охранкой и НКВД. Паранойя и любовь к спецоперациям у большевиков в крови. Почти искусство ради искусства.


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