dogs in need of help

Aug 14, 2009 12:30

I received this email today and had to pass along. Even if you can give $5 it would help so much. Please pass on to anyone you know who may be able to help. Thanks.

I know everybody is hurting right now because of the recession. However, this Mama dog almost died, ‎already, raising her litter of five. She had given every ounce of strength she had to them. She is sooo ‎loving and sooo desires someone just to love her back. Her heartworm infestation is heavy and I fear for ‎her. This, however, is the only way she can live.‎
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This is an ADAR Rescue dog in Tuscaloosa, AL. This treatment is coming on the heels of several large ‎surgeries. The expense of which they solely have had to bear. It never stops because tomorrow they ‎are having to have the leg removed on a 6 mo. old pup who was in a car accident with his "Dad". The ‎little fellow, named Buck, came thru the wreck with only a broken front leg . . . but his Dad died as the ‎result of the wreck. Amy w/ ADAR has taken the little fellow in and the leg was pinned, at first, but it is ‎not healing so the leg is going to have to be removed. Lord only knows what that will cost.‎
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So, the $300.00 from this Fundable is going to be really important to ADAR being able to continue with ‎Mama's heartworm treatment. Donated funds that ADAR has right now may have to be diverted to pay ‎for emergency surgery on Buck. Mama is a precious, unselfish girl who deserves a life of her own some ‎day . . . and should not be forgotten or have to play "second fiddle" for any reason.‎
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Thank you for anything you can do to help. Crossposting will be GREAT, too.‎
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Here is the Fundable addy:‎
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If you would prefer to contribute a little something to Buck's surgery, instead . . .just visit ‎ . They have pay pal, too. Again, thank you for caring.‎
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