May 06, 2007 22:19
All right. The template still sucks but I don't care because not many people read my livejournal anyway. :D
I had training today and it was the funnest and the funniest training I have had this year [Nothing can beat the night two years ago]. Qian Hui kept smacking for every single mistakes I unwittingly made. Since she is a damn strong person. It was a ' "OOPS" *SMACK' for every single step we made. Wan TIng looked out for me and pointed out Qian Hui's mistake and made me smack her back but all in all, I forgot to hold my leg for the second set of double front kick and proceeded to do a swift striking out of a not-so-nice jumping front kick. I collapsed into a heap after that kick and laughed my ass off while the other two smacked me like crazy. It was amusing. Koryo was kinda dumb for me because I went too fast. Pa-jang was the best I have ever done. Gee, SO proud of myself.
And and and, Qian Hui took a candid photo of me. WAHHH. SO PRETTY. hahahaha. nolah. It was retarded but nice looking.