Apr 08, 2007 14:28
BMTH was alright, in retrospect, not brilliant mind. Funniest bit had to be laughing at a paraletic 15(?) yr old emo kid, nice.
Not looking forward to writing the review though, some things compell me to write but that gig isn't one of them, was just great as it was free! got to hang with Dan, Tom and Ricky.
Other than that been mulling around Soton, got shakeaway with dan and dave went to the monument gallery in bargate, ha, weird stuff. bough sweets, watched lost (sooo good)
worked, came home, went to chaos on zee pier, got quite good, but left around 1:30, got to hang with jemma and phil for a bit, (thanks for the ticket jemma, will give u cash asap!)
got to have a lil boogy anyhow. Been up since 9:30am today, really nice weather, had a good chat with my mum in the garden whilst eating a bacon sarnie, yes, the simple things!
Hmm still havent done much uni work, argh, rather just interview bands and write reviews!! bloomin politics and law revision :( also have to research and plan a presentation on Romanian media systems, during it's communist state, urgh!!
hmm route tomorrow after work? hassle...but meh, we shall see