Oct 11, 2006 01:59
so...I have the net in my ROOM!!! (in my new house at uni) woooooooooooooooooooo
I'm happy :) and slightly tipsy, meh, need to sober so I can sleep and get up tomorrow! Even though I have the WHOLE DAY OFF UNI yay!
But I dont like sleeping all day....boring and depressing
Hmm what to do.
I cant believe I have the net in my room again, huzzah! No more 10min trips to uni (the hardship...) and having to prioritise exactly what sites I have to go on and do what...and no more stealing of my flatmates laptops! Unless there is some technical hitch...
Ive been very much an ill person the last few days (caught flu from freshers i'd assume) oh, and extremely poor, but overdraft has let me eat/drink and be merry. Which is what life is all about, predominantly.
Or so it should be....if that doesnt sound like your life then for god sakes liven up! yes, misery guts people irritate me greatly.
Umm argh so much to update on! but so little time and effort, I shall render a plan and return in the near future! I promise you!
Yes...I am exciteable...enjoy it whilst it lasts :)
hows things people?