Sep 24, 2016 13:09
So apparently, I am not crazy and post-surgical depression is an expected and normal side effect of having a robot play around with your insides. It's not helped by the fact that I had to get up and go back to my normal schedule so early. Doctor recommends taking some time off from work but I'm being audited by the government this week (and I'm going to fail, which my employer told me was apparently ok) so that's not going to happen.
I feel better knowing these insane crying jags will eventually go away. I just have to moderate that little voice inside me that's currently singing my sixth-grade song about nobody liking me and needing to eat worms. It's not me, it's the side effects.
I hope I don't burst into tears in front of the auditor.
And naps. I was going to write this weekend and knock out a couple thousand words, but I should probably take naps as that would be better for me at this point. Don't want people to think I'm weird at Capclave.
The more you know! (tm)