WC FIC: Simultaneous Contrast

May 18, 2012 16:42

Title: Simultaneous Contrast
Author: Esmeralda (laesmeralda)
Fandom: White Collar
Dramatis Personae: Neal/Peter with some Peter/Elizabeth and Elizabeth/Neal
Thread: Follows Confidence: Part 1
Rating: R to NC-17
Disclaimer: This is a transformative work of impure fiction.
Beta: Libitina (back for a very special engagement)
Feedback: Responses, including constructive criticism, are welcome.
Original Date: Written April-May 2012


Reference: For those too young to have read or seen Breakfast at Tiffany’s, the 1961 Audrey Hepburn film is iconic, but you might have to read the 1958 Truman Capote novella (just released in e-book form) to catch the subtextual fluidity of Holly Golightly’s sexual orientation, and that of her best friend and beau, Peter (aka Fred). For solace, Holly often goes to Tiffany’s after an all-night party and eats a pastry while window-gazing. Even though she doesn’t “give a hoot about jewellery,” she goes there for comfort because, “…nothing very bad could happen to you there, not with those kind men in their nice suits, and that lovely smell of silver and alligator wallets.”

Simultaneous Contrast

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