Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission.

Dec 14, 2003 21:02

I'm not Rogue's herb. No matter what she thinks. I can touch her, yes, but that isn't a cure. I think it's a bit of a curse. For both of us. I am not interested in her in the least bit. She's a nice lady, but really not my type. I can see why Lucky loves her, but she doesn't really pluck my feather.

So that made running into Rogue when I was going to the kitchen to forage for food kind of problematic. I don't like being looked at like I'm the greatest thing since color TV. That's a high expectation, and I know I'm not going to live up to it. I was just hoping to walk by her like I normally would, but nooooo, she had to stop me.

She did it under the pretense of wanting to know how everybody else was doing. I kept my tongue from telling her to go check out for herself; they could probably use the Ms. Sunshine happiness she was giving off in waves. I gave a brief, terse response which I had hoped had given her just enough details for her to go off and see the others and leave me alone to eat. It didn't. My reply was enough to make her look slightly concerned and ask if I was all right.

I kind of overreacted when she reached for my hand, probably to try to comfort me. Instead I abruptly yanked my hand backward out of her grasp. And into the wall. Which really hurt. I bit my lower lip to keep from whimpering.

This of course made Rogue even more concerned. She commented that she didn't have cooties when it came to me. When she made to step closer to me, I made the rest of my body join my hand against the wall. More surface area slapping against the wall doesn't hurt as much. Except for bumping the back of my head.

I admit it now, I bumble. Quite well. I held my hands up to keep her from following me and tried to explain that I just wanted to eat a little lunch and then get on with my normal day. I don't think she got my emphasis on the word normal. Meaning I wasn't looking for a status quo change in our relationship. I was at the mansion to help her control her powers, not be the oddball who would be the only person to touch her. Doesn't really help with healing that way.

She said she could whip something up for me if I wanted. In fact, she was heading to the kitchen herself. (I doubt that as she was walking in the opposite direction from the kitchen. I think I was supposed to be flattered but only ended up being more aggravated.) I didn't call her on going the wrong direction, but ultimately just accepted her offer of food. The less I have to cook, the better, and it was just bad to not accept food when offered to you.

I gestured her down the hall toward the kitchen and only peeled myself off the wall when she started toward the kitchen after a bit of hesitation. I think I had thrown her through a loop by not suddenly falling madly in love with her and sweeping her off her feet to have some private touchy-feely time. As we made it to the kitchen, I had resolved to always have somebody with me for Rogue's lessons. Since she knew I could touch her, I figured I needed somebody she knew her powers would affect. She doesn't want people bouncing around inside of her head, so she might focus if the danger of absorption is there.

In fact, the most likely candidate was Longshot. I knew it would be no problem for him to join in on the lessons. Maybe I'd also scout out one of the other X-Men to continue with her lessons when Charles got back. I did have life outside of Westchester that I had to get back to eventually.

So lunch went by with a heaping side dish of uncomfortableness for me. Rogue became a bit more wary with me every time I squirmed in my seat. I tried to broach the additional person being added to her power lessons but she sort of threw me off by quickly asking if I knew what I meant to her now.

I don't think she appreciated the answer of "an easy way out." In fact, that made her kind of angry. She started to get a little red in the face and a little loud as she demanded to know if I had any idea how long she had been waiting for someone like me.

I tried to gently counter that she really hadn't been waiting for someone like me because she would have been all over me when we first met. [Well, when we were introduced after she and I had collided that auspicious first day.] I was trying to go for the whole liking me for my personality, not my powers stuff, but again I didn't get far with that. I think somewhere in her mind, she had already whipped up this fairy tale story with me as the charming prince and her as restricted beauty. Rogue couldn't understand my line of reasoning, even though I tried damn hard to get it across to her. I didn't raise my voice to counter Rogue's level, but I never really got a word in edgewise until she had stormed out the room. Watching her walk out, I knew I had failed and things from then on were going to be harder for me when dealing with her.

I proceeded to bang my head on the table until Ororo walked in and asked me what in the world I was doing.
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