So what exactly happened you say?

Oct 14, 2002 00:33

Sorry for the abrupt end on the last entry. I still needed a full night's sleep to process exactly how I should report that I screwed up. I didn't get a full night's sleep, but I'll give it a shot anyway. Oh, and if I don't give all the details, that's because I can only give you what I remember clearly. Lots of stuff got lost in the heat of the moment.

Though I'll note if I had heard any screaming I wouldn't have been sitting in those damn trees, waiting for . . . something. I don't know what I was waiting for. Maybe my courage to stop being strangled by a heightened common sense.

Anyway, I was keeping watch on the only house that wasn't demolished. See, I'm never the type of guy who can think he can take down an entire team of people by himself. I've been a part of a well-oiled team and know that's just not possible. Well, unless you're a god or something. I'm sure Zeus coulda walked in there, taken the DC out, and romanced Mrs. Summers before breakfast. But then, I don't also have an ego the size of Russia neither.

Can I say that it's freaking cold in Alaska, especially when you're not completely dressed for it. My hooded sweatshirt and jeans weren't exactly letting me not chatter my teeth as I scouted out the situation. The chattering of my teeth was almost enough to block out the rumbling that I heard in the distance. I thought maybe Bracht was tunneling right up to me. Then he'd squish me in a chasm of his own creation. He's inventive like that. The rumbling, as I found out, was Bracht, but he wasn't coming up to get me. He and Shadow were handing the National Guard, police, and armed forces who were trying to get into the area.

So by the time the sun goes down, which really wasn't all that long. I'm freezing my butt off. But it's dark enough for me to do some scouting up towards the house. The house was dim but not dark, which left a light on somewhere. Tromping around in the copse of woods, I found an ideal way to approach the house. I quickly decided not to use that because it felt like a trap. At the time, I had no clue where Shadow was and he could pick me off at some point. I crept up to the house via a harder route that often had me on my belly in the snow. It got worse when snow got down my pants, but I made it to the house. Oh, I forgot to mention. I had no weapons outside of this nice stick I picked up in the woods. So, I'm lurking outside of this house with a lone stick to protect me.

I get a peak inside and see little. Well, shadows and mess, but no people. I start to slide up to a window. I'm tall enough that it'll be the best, not obvious way to get in. As I was fiddling with the window, I got the feeling that something was very, very wrong. I was quickly proven right as somebody kicked my head into the window. So that element of surprise I was working for? Gone as my head sends glass all over the interior of the house.

I'm bleeding pretty good when I stagger back and swing my stick wildly. I don't connect with anything and when I get the sense to look, I find a very smug, white-haired, teleporting freak smirking at me. Needless to say I tried to shove my stick down Spiral's throat.

Didn't succeed so much at that task. Luckily, the X-Men showed up to stop Spiral from kicking my ass too severely. Lots of fighting ensues and the temperature drops even lower as Storm makes it into the house and finds something she really, really didn't want to find. I didn't want to find it later, but I did.

Anyway, the weather outside gets worse as traps are sprung and the X-Men fight like there's no tomorrow. I could understand why the DC was there, but I had no idea why Spiral was there. And she was the problem I had a lot of when she started casting some spells. She missed Longshot who was her intended target and hit Rogue who was having some problems dealing with Zephyr. Let's just say when Spiral amplifies your powers enough that they start to eat you from the inside out, it's very very bad. I think it woulda been bad for Lucky if it had hit him, as it would be hard to pull off a lucky feat while you're stumbling around in pain. He could work off the energy I'm sure, but Rogue didn't have that luxury. And as my luck would have it, whatever Spiral's spell was meant to amplify, it decided to latch onto Rogue's absorption power.

So if somebody didn't give it something real quick to try to absorb, I had a feeling it would start going from skin contact to an airborne tragedy. So, swallowing my desire to stay out of the X-Men's lives as much as possible, I decided that the person she should try to suck dry was . . . Longshot! I just threw him right up there and watched him get sucked dry 'til he was a husk. Easy to do too as he weighs about as much as a paperweight. Now he weighs less than the little urn we have for him on the mantle.


I chose myself of course, people. Ever the martyr when everybody else is better suited doing something productive. The only problem I had was that Rogue managed to get hit in midair and didn't go down afterwards. So I had to jump up, catch her boots and pull myself up her body. I don't she really cared where my hands went, but I tried to be careful. I don't think she cared because she was silently screaming in pain, but it's the thought that counts, right? Anyway, pulled myself up, hoped I was right about the extent of my powers, and kissed her.

Ok, I admit that wasn't the gentlemanly thing to do, but my hands were busy trying to hold me on her. I guess I could of just pressed my cheek against hers, but I didn't think of that. I have a feeling in the long run, the cheek-to-cheek thing would have been a wise move. Teachers really shouldn't kiss their students.

So I was kissing Rogue and feeling her powers trying to suck me into her skull and not succeeding. No matter how much Spiral pumped up the amplifier. Well, until she pumped up the amplifier enough that the energy had to release. Which it did. Sorta sent me into some tree and knocked me out. Damn mystical powers.

When I woke up, the X-Men had won. Well, sort of. It wasn't without a price.

McCoy got tinkered with by Spiral so he's got some deformities he didn't want as she didn't finish. I tried to heal him as best I could as his wounds were fresher, but we still got to wait to see how it takes.

Mrs. Summers was worked over by Lash and really needs to rest. I did what I could about the whip marks, but I don't know about what all those jolts of electricity did to her.

Drake got blasted through a wall and is having troubles powering down. He joked he's had problems like this before. He really got off the lightest. Ororo said he should be able to power down completely within a day.

Cyclops has to sleep at night knowing he couldn't help his friends and wife when they needed help the most. He had to hear it all. I don't envy the man in the least.

And Angel came off the worst. He was the first to get hurt grievously by the DC so I couldn't heal as much with him as I could the others. His legs were rebroken. That I could fix because that was a recent development. The one I couldn't help with, is making me feel the worst.

His wings are a total loss. Especially since they're not connected to his body anymore. And we weren't the ones who did the amputation.

I'm sorry, Charles. I'm so sorry. You asked for my help and I let you down.

I should have seen the signs, found some way to stop them when I first got wind the DC was making noise, but I didn't have the foresight to see the problem until your students got hurt.

Gods, do I need a stiff drink.
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